Chapter LXVII - Team Descendants

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"Hey, sleepyhead, it isn't Monday anymore so you shouldn't have this much of a problem waking up." You groaned as you were repeatedly poked in the forehead. "Wake up, (Y/n)!"

You sighed and opened your eyes, your vision centering on Lonnie's slightly tired morning face. "Tuesday is still too far until the end of the week. Besides, they let me have yesterday off so it feels like a Monday."

Lonnie frowned, " and (b/f/n) missed a lot yesterday. But you're friends again, right? You really need to tell me what happened when you went missing after the play sometime."

"I will," you promised, "and yeah we're friends." You sat up on your bed and pulled the blanket off of yourself. You hadn't realized how much more comfortable it was than the cellar that Professor Camilia had locked you and (b/f/n) in. "It turns out that Professor Camilia had a lot to do with the unraveling of our friendship, though some of it was our fault as well. There's always that lack of communication that plays a role in things like this...but I'm glad we're back together again."

"You know who else is back?" Lonnie asked with a loopy smile on her face.

"I think your smile answers the question," you smirked.

"Pssh, I'm not that easy to read." A slight flush spread across the daughter of Mulan's face.


"Okay, fine. You got me this time," Lonnie sighed, "But really, I'm so glad he's back. I never thought that I'd miss his stupid flirtatious smile. Like, the girls are back to swooning over him after he broke up with Audrey."

"I guess he only dated her under the influence of Professor Camilia," you pointed out, "which means a certain someone has a chance."

"Hmm? I have no idea who you're talking about," Lonnie replied innocently, "Besides, Jay being Jay would probably say that being single is the best option because then you can swim with all the fish on the market."

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't pursue what you want," you hopped off of your bed to get ready for the day. Even if you wanted to stay under the warmth of your covers, you had to face the school day one way or another. Which meant seeing the rest of your friends that you hadn't talked to since Saturday when Professor Camilia attacked the school with the dragon.

"We're just friends," Lonnie rolled her eyes and proceeded to stretch. You knew that she was trying to act nonchalant, but you could tell by her eyes that she didn't wholeheartedly mean those words. Sometimes it could be lonely stuck behind the social clock, you realized. If everyone started dating and you didn't have kind of got where Jane was coming from now. "Anyways, we better get ready for class. It's gonna be one weird day without preparing for a prophecy or anything."

"I guess it's time for a new schedule," you shrugged. Then, you went into the bathroom to brush your teeth for the day.


"Hi!" You stepped into place next to (b/f/n), who was stacking food on her plate in the breakfast line. She eyed two different breads, debating between them, until she decided to take them both.

"Is it just me, or have they updated the breakfast menu?" (B/f/n) stared hungrily at the food line, eying every possible meal.

You scanned the breakfast options, "They're more or less the same."

(B/f/n) sighed, "I missed so much, didn't I?"

Your lips curled downwards at this, "But now we have an opportunity to make even better memories." Your eyes lit up with an idea, "Oh! Hey, let's introduce you to the VKs! They're super chill!" You grabbed her hand and pulled her away from her precious food line (with a bit of protest).

"Hey everyone!" You grinned at Team Descendants, sitting in their usual table. Mal's arms were rested on the table and her head was propped up by one of them.

"The hero of the day," the daughter of Maleficent smirked, "Welcome back." Her purple hair was back to its unruffled wicked shade of purple, a sharp contrast to the tangled mess that it was on Saturday. She blew her gum and let it pop softly on her lips. Typical Mal.

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