stop fucking staring at me

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"Louis, please." My hands lay flat against his chest as I stopped him. His eyes rolled, and his feet stopped. "What, Mae?"

I looked at him sadly. It was almost one in the morning, and Thursday night. Meaning I had to be up for school in 6 hours. I watched his features harden more the longer I didn't speak.

I was on a walk. My feet carried me to different corners of the town, one corner containing Louis and a few of his mates. He left quick, but I was trying to stop him.

"You haven't even answered my class the past while. Ever since that day in Harry's house- do you know how long it's been?" I said quietly. He took my hands in his own and removed them from his chest. Suddenly, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.

Taking a sharp inhale, he spoke; "A few months." He replied flatly, blowing out the smoke.

It took me a few minutes to do anything. Instead, I watched him fall to his ass and sit against the wall, smoke between his thin fingers. I sighed, copying his actions. I took his box and pulled a smoke for myself. I didn't even smoke, but I had the urge to have one. I allowed him to light it for me, and slowly inhaled.

"We used to be such amazing friends, Lou. And then you just took Harry's side. What happened?" I breathed out.

Louis flicked his bud away and sighed. "Nothing. I started Uni, I'm good. I protected you when you hit Harry, I still care for you. I just don't think it's good for me right now to involve myself in this drama."

I flicked my smoke away too, grimacing. I turned and stared at him, admiring his handsome face. His tongue came out and licked over his dry lip, eyes blinking slowly as he watched his breath turn to fog from the cold.

I smiled softly when he looked to me and sighed. "I know. I wouldn't want you to. But it wouldn't hurt to have my Lou back.."

"I'm sorry. I know I fucked off, but honestly, I needed to get away from everyone here, including you. I'm sorry."

He pulled me to his lap and engulfed me into a hug, a sigh of relief leaving both our mouths. Last time I saw him he stared at me through Harry's window as I sobbed. Not a good memory. I'm just glad he's back now though, and doesn't hate me, as Harry does.

He let me go and helped me stand, beginning to walk. "I'm heading home. I would walk you but like.." he trailed off and nodded towards the row of houses, mine being the second last. I smiled and nodded, joining in one last hug before we parted ways. It was a strange encounter, but I'm glad I got to speak with him.

I reached my house in no time. No one was home. Mum and dad were at a wedding, and won't be home until Saturday morning. I shivered and reached for my keys.

Just as I unlocked the door and turned off the alarm, I heard a loud groan. I froze.

"Hello?" I asked.

No answer.

I was about to shut the door again, until I heard the groan again. I reluctantly opened the door wider, stepping outside. The groans became constant, groans of pain. As if someone was trying to move but couldn't. A small gasp left my mouth as I saw a black figure trying to crawl around the corner of Harry's house. Without a thought, I rushed to them.

It was too dark to recognise a face straight away, but once I pushed their hair back and stared at the features, I soon recognised the person as Harry himself.

Too scared to move, I stared at his shut eyes momentarily before looking at the blood dripping from his nose.

"Stop fucking staring at me and piss right off." He grumbled. My eyes widened. How did he even know I was staring at him, his eyes were glued shut.

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