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Crisp winter air cut through the skin on my face relentlessly as I stepped outside my front door. It was the morning after Alfie's birthday party and it was eerily quiet in my house.

With heavy eyes I managed to pull myself up out of bed and get ready to do some Christmas shopping. I really needed a job, I had just enough money to get some gifts for close family but no money to get what I wanted to get. It was the perfect day to go shopping, though. Everyone was sleepy and cuddled in bed with hangovers, no kids were around and it was freezing out which really set the mood.

I waited for my car to heat up in anticipation and began to rub the palms of my hands together. Winter was my all time favourite time of year, and always will be, simply because of Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a cliche die hard for Christmas, but I really did enjoy it. The decorating, the warm pj days with the family, hot coco on the sofa with the Christmas tree lit up in the corner and then Christmas Day - the best day. Just thinking about it made me feel warm inside.

A recognisable Christmas jingle began to play from the radio as I took off down the street. The iconic "All I want For Christmas Is You." Began playing and I almost gagged. I never understood this song. Sure, it was catchy, but I never found myself capable to wish for someone at Christmas. I was never the romantic type. Didn't stop me from singing along though.

I'm tone deaf, by the way. So I wasn't doing the song any justice as I bellowed the jingle for the entire trip on repeat.

When I arrived at the mall, I was relieved to see it wasn't as packed as I assumed it would be and as I began walking through the cold, icy air again towards the doors, my phone began to ring.

I hurried along inside and dug my phone from my bag, growing nervous as I saw Harry's name across the top of the screen. I answered immediately.

"Hello?" I said.

I could hear him take a few breaths before he even spoke, and a little grunt indicating he had just woken up.

"Morning, sunshine." He chuckled. His deep voice flooded my ears like liquid velvet and I suddenly wanted to be back to last night, with him.

I bit down on my lip as I walked through the fairly busy mall and smiled desperately. "Morning. Are you just up?"

"Yeah," He let out another groan, followed by a cough. "Aren't you?"

"No, actually." I smirked. "I'm shopping." I cocked my head to the side as I felt up a pice of clothing on a sale rack. It was a grey dress with an unusual pattern. I grimaced and moved on to the next piece.

Harry didn't reply for a few seconds, and I didn't really mind. I kept flicking through different items on the rack. Then suddenly he spoke up again. "Can I come?" He asked. I furrowed my brows and dropped the velvety fabric from in between my finger tips.

"You, Harry Styles, want to shop with me?" I laughed. I was surprised at his question.
He sighed loudly and fumbled around for a few seconds. "Yes, actually. I'm dressed and ready, where are you?"

My eyebrows remained furrowed as he continues to talk. It was such an unusual thing for him to do, but I was still excited to be seeing him again so I told him, and we agreed to meet at the ice cream parlour in ten minutes.

As a girl who has what she would describe as major anxiety, I was starting to feel so nervous again. What were we going to talk about? I was shopping for clothes and gifts, and he was just tagging along. Surely he'll get bored. I was never good at this stuff, never good at being alone.

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