> 9 <

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I groaned and stood up from my bed. I'm helpless. I don't know what to do. I've been locked in this room since yesterday because Declan had to take a small trip to got knows where.

I'm slowly dying while looking at the white plain walls upside down. I lost my phone and I have no idea where it is so I can't use it to watch YouTube or play games.

There is no tv in this room either. Oh how I would love to watch tv right now. Anything is better than sitting and looking at the plain dull walls.

Maybe I should steal their tv from downstairs, now there is an idea worth planning. But sadly I can't. I'm locked in here and I'm going crazy.

I tried to sleep but I'm sure you'll find it hard to fall asleep when you know that you've been kidnapped and held against your will. Who knows what they wanna do with me? I'm still confused about the whole wolf thing. I guess I'm too scared to ask them because I don't want to offend them in anyway and become their dinner.

I shivered at the thought.

I wonder how many days has it been? A week? An eternity? Well it felt like it.

An idea popped into my head.

"Mavis! Please let me out, I'm dying here! I want to watch tv or at least get me my phone! I'm bored!" I yelled and banged on the door to add some effect.

I smiled when I heard footsteps. The door opened and Mavis came in.

"You okay?" She asked and I nodded.

"Please let me go downstairs or something. I'm bored, you can even watch me like hawk, I promise I won't try anything," I said and gave her my best puppy look. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

HA! It always works!

"Alright, but no funny business otherwise Declan will have my head," she said and I followed her outside.

"Hey do you know where my phone is?" I asked.

"Yeah, Declan broke it," she said and my mouth fell open.

"WHAT?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, a lot of people were texting you and well your ex as well so he kind off got pissed off and crushed it," she said and shrugged like it it was no big deal while my mouth dropped open.

"You know how expensive that phone is? It took me like months to save up for it! And all my friends contacts? They are all gone! How am I going to keep in contact with them? We are graduates for Jesus sake it's not like we are gonna see each other anytime soon!" I yelled. Oh boy was I pissed. It's official, I'm planning murder.

I'm gonna kick is Wolf ass for destroying my phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure he'll get you an new one," she said and I rolled my eyes. I don't like it when people give or own me things, I guess I like to be independent and earn them myself. But he will give me a new phone. It took forever to buy it!

I jumped on the couch next to a guy I didn't know the name of.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to be friendly.

"The ceiling," he replied and looked up at me grinning. I couldn't help but laugh as well. Oh it's been a long time since I last laughed so hard. I don't know why I found it so funny. It wasn't even that funny but somehow I went from laughing to crying in less than ten seconds.

"You okay?" He asked but I just hid my face and cried. I don't know why, I was just letting out all my emotions at once. Or maybe because my period is coming and I don't know the exact date it will come so I won't be prepared, and they don't even have chocolates here. Oh how I miss my chocolates and my ex boyfriend from the first month we started dating, he would always come to comfort me and bring me food and we would have a movie marathon. How I miss the old times when my life was perfect. But now I'm stuck in this house and who knows if I'll ever get out of here alive.

"I-I'm sorry," I said. I don't like it when people see or watch me cry. I probably look like a dying mess now. I didn't like crying.

"Hey it's okay to let it all out," Mavis said who was by my side and patting my back. I didn't say anything after that, maybe because I was too upset but I knew that Mavis was a good person, well a good wolf.

I stopped crying after ten minutes and somehow it felt refreshing. The guy who made me laugh was gone, he probably felt uncomfortable with a crying girl by his side. I turned on the tv and decided to watch some news to see what I have missed.

I watched the news of from my school. Some group of kids decided it would be funny to vandalize the schools property as a graduation gift for the seniors. It made me laugh because I knew exactly who did it, I was supposed to be one of them until I found out about my ex boyfriend situation.

"The police are still trying to find those kids who will be charged and would be responsible for cleaning the mess that they made. Speaking of Reveed High, their own senior graduate is still missing, Bella Parker. Disappeared three weeks ago on a Saturday night, along with some of her things. The police have tracked down the last person who claimed he saw her, Marcus Tom," the reported said and I sighed. The clip cut to Uncle M talking to another reporter, surrounded by police officers.

"Last time I saw the girl was four days ago, she was walking on the side of the road and claimed that her boyfriend broke up with her and dumped her on the side of the road. She said that she was going to Los Angeles so she could take a bus to Florida, I dropped her off at the bus stop that should have taken her to Los Angeles airport," he said and I dropped my head back. Well there you go, my plans are out. Thank you Uncle M, although he didn't have a choice since he is surrounded by the police. 

"Her boyfriend says that the last time he saw her was the night she went missing, after some more research, the drivers of the bus said they had never seen the girl and that she hadn't made it to Los Angeles airport safely which makes us wonder what happened to Bella, is she alive or dead," the reporter said and the commercials started playing. I closed my eyes.

Now the whole country knows that I'm missing. I have nowhere to go but stay here, my plans where ruined, people know I'm gone and this is the only place that's keeping me safe.

"You guys won't have to worry about me running away anymore because I am not going anywhere," I told her.

"Don't you want to go back home?" She asked with her face full of confusion as I looked at her.

"No, you see, how do I put this, I'm...engaged," I said and watched her shocked expression.

"WHAT?" Someone yelled and growled from behind me causing me to jump closer to Mavis. I gulped and closed my eyes hoping it's not who I think it is.

- - -

I love you guys!

Make sure to check out my new book 'Back in time to save you!' if you are interested!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day!

xx writer

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