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When we arrived at the pack house, I was taken to the pack doctor to help bandage my ankle and after that I walked towards the bathroom to change. I put on a tank top with a hoodie on top which said 'I don't give a fuck' with jean shorts. I walked towards the guest room and placed all my things on the bed while collapsing.

I stared at the ceiling thinking since everyone knows I am missing now, I'll have no chance of being free. But perhaps living here won't be that bad. My stomach growling interrupted my thoughts. I got up and made my way towards the kitchen, lumping slightly.

"Oh hey Bella!" Mavis greeted me with a bright smile.

"Hello, what's for dinner?" I asked getting ready to stuff my face. She giggled lightly at the question.

"We are having a pack dinner today to welcome and introduce you to everyone," she said smiling as she cooked something.

"Oh really! How wonderful! Mind if I help?" She nodded.

"Look after this for me while I go grab some ingredients from the warehouse,"

"Sure thing!" She handed me the steering spoon as she walked away. I awkwardly glanced down inside the pot. Oh she's making pasta but what do I do with the spoon?

I put it inside the pot and steered it a bit before my hand got tired and I took it out.

"I don't like what you are wearing, go change," a new voice joined me. I looked over my shoulder and rolled my eyes when I spotted Declan. I turned around and pointed with both hands on my hoodie. He raised his eyebrow and shook his head. Guess I came prepared!

"I don't care, go change," I narrowed my eyes and decided to ignore him as payback. After everything he is done to me, I will ignore him until he apologizes properly for always scaring me and being so goddamn bossy! I turned back around and continue to steer the pasta.

"Hey are you ignoring me? I said go change," what are you my dad?

"Hello?" I took out the spoon and placed it on the counter. I purposely looked around making my eyes pass right through him as if he wasn't there.

"Hello?" His voice tone completely changed as I felt authority in it.

"I'm sorry what's your name again?"

"How come you forgot? It's Declan,"

"I tend to forget irrelevant things..." my voice trailed as my smirk started to show.

"Wipe that expression of your face and go change," he said huffing.

"You know, I think you are right!" As if I'll obey, what am I, a dog? I started taking off my hoodie and watched his expression at the same time, which had shock written all over them. He looked back and forth as if making sure no one was around.

"Much better, it was getting hot standing next to the pan anyway!" I sighed as I walked towards him.

"What are y-,"

"I'm sorry, Dylan? No Damon was it? Please put this in my room, thanks," I said giving him my hoodie and standing on my tippy toes to pat his head cheerfully.

"If I were you I'd listen to you or else we will have to do it the hard way..."

* * *

Hey my bishessss, I'm back and better than ever. I'll be happy to let you know that life has finally become stress free and I am back to writhing!! I'll be finishing this book and updating regularly as well as writing on a book I'm currently working on, it's called Playing with fire so make sure to go check it out and give some loveee.

Q: Did you miss me? ;)

Thank you for reading and hope you had a wonderful weekend!


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