Chapter 5

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Dear Gale,

It is weird sometimes when I go hunting. At first I still hid when I thought I heard something and thought it was a peacekeeper. But it was just another hunter. Of course I do not show any one of our best secret spots. I have not even shown your brother the best of our spots. I remember that moment, that peacekeeper did not know what was coming. He thought it was haunted or something. Those where the good times if you could say. Hunting was one of the best things that were great about everything in this Distract 12. I thought why not. I did not want to be the only one that did all the hard work. I miss hunting with you as well. Are you sure you still know how to hunt? I don't know if I miss my hunting partner. I really don't remember his name. I think it was something like Bale or Hale or something like that. You know I am kidding. I miss my hunting partner a lot as well. I don't even hunt with anyone else at all.

Prim loves helping people out. She is still shocked that people travels to see her. She can't believe it to this day. I have to reminder her that she is amazing at what she is doing and that everyone sees that as well. She has actually got offered a position at the capital to be a high to healer there but she turned them down. She does not want to leave just yet. That is at least what she told me. I think there is more on that subject. She has been growing up fast. I swear that I see the little girl that I knew before the rebellion happened sometimes. Don't be full of yourself Gale. I think most of it was because of me thank you very much. I am lucky to have your brother there.

I am glad to hear that you are happy. I know that it was the best decision for you. I could see it in your eyes when you told me that you were leaving. There was relief and hope in them. Even if I didn't want you to leave, I knew that it would be the best for you. I am glad that you found who you really are. I knew who you are Gale but it just took some time for you to find yourself. I believe you that you are still my amazing hunting partner. I am getting there. It's been a journey but I think I am close. You have been there for me after the Hunger Games when I needed someone the most to lean on. I can't thank you enough for being the greatest friend I could have asked for. I hope one day I can come visit you down there and see it for myself. I miss you too Gale. Your mother is being the sweetest person to me. I am glad to have her here in distract 12. She is family to me and you know that. She is great and wishes to see her son more often. Of course she has new worries. One of them are me of course. But what hasn't changed on that. Nothing has changed in the mines. I think there are the same amounts of worries still but it's the mines. What less can we do about it?

Gale, are you getting all soft on me now. I know that you are going to there for me no matter what. I will do the same. I would not have asked for a better person to have my back either. I have to agree with you on that. The day we meet in the forest was the best day of my life. I had gained a friend and lifelong partner.

Gale, I would be lying if I said that I did not wish that your name was pulled instead of Peeta but then I remember that there would be no one to take care of our family if we both went into the games. I was always thinking about you and my family in there. That is what drove me to do my best and to survive. I knew that I had to get home to you all any way I could. If you had volunteered for the games with me then everything would have changed. I wouldn't want to think about it but I think our families may have not lived without one of us there. You have changed my life as well, even if you don't know that. I'm the person that I am today because I had you in my life. Everyone thinks I have done great to this world but all I was thinking about was how to get home to my family and you Gale. I didn't care what my actions were as long as I got back to you, I did not care.

Gale, you know that I have feelings for you. It's just I also have feelings for Peeta as well. I don't know what I truly feel for both of you but I know that there are feelings. What could you have done to stop it, Gale? No one knew what was going to happen. It just happened and if it didn't happen to Prim it could have been someone else. Maybe even you Gale. You are a hero; you're a hero in my eyes. If it wasn't for you keeping my family alive I would have been coming home to nothing but you. That makes you a hero to me. Your sibling thinks of you as a hero as well. You brother tells me that he looks up to you and wants to be a great man like you. I may have taken down Snow but it could have been anyone else. It was just because I was the Mockingjay.

Why wouldn't you want to come and visit Distract 12? I hope you wouldn't stop writing me. I like writing you also. Maybe I can change your mind on visiting 12 again.

Always here,

Catnip (Katniss)

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