Chapter 7

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Dear Gale,

Everyone asks me where I go but I tell them that it is my secret. Some of them actually try to follow me but they always get caught. They should know not to sneak up on a victor/ hunter like that. I almost shot at a guy one for doing that. But they all learned not to follow me once I threatened to shot at them. You should have seen their faces when I said that. Grown men were scared of a me. I laughed so hard.

That is very sweet Gale. I know that I will find myself soon enough. But for now I am content on whom I am. I didn't know you were such an observer of me Gale. What other secrets or surprise talents are you hiding from me? You are such a charmer Gale. I can't believe there has not been a girl that has caught your eyes yet beside me. There has not been anyone since the fake relationship with Peeta. Sure guys have asked me out but I have turned them down because I just want to focus on rebuilding who I am and taking care of my sister. Those are the only important things to me right now.

I am doing fine Gale. You already know all the things I have been up to for right now. I have been trying to keep myself busy. What is there to know? I think you know about everything. How have you been Gale? How the transfer from Distract 12 to Distract 2 was? I want to know what is going on with you and your life Gale. I enjoy getting these letters from you Gale. It keeps me sane from everything that is going on. I am glad we started to talk to each other again.

Can you someday tell me those reasons on not returning? I know that there are valid reasons for you not returning. I would love to come see you in District 2 but right now everything is busy down here in District 12. I hope that one of these days I can do that. I think it would be a vacation for me.

Always in my thoughts,

Katniss (Catnip)

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