Chapter 17

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Dear Gale,

I mean that you just telling me things that I want to hear to make me feel better about myself. I know that you are trying to show me the good about myself but there is more to me than that. They didn't backtalk me because they were afraid of me, even if they didn't tell me. It wasn't just me. You and the coal miner workers saved more than half of Distract 12. If it was not for you guys Distract 12 would be nothing. You guys are heroes just like me. I know that you could always cheer me up when I was upset.

I have a wall that is hard to get through. Only a few people ever got that wall totally down. You are one of them. Peeta once got my wall down but since the rebellion my wall has gone up for him. He only has it half way down. I know that he wants more than friends and I have told him we can only be friends right now. Everyone is still getting use to the new system and having the rebellion over it's just a lot to take in. No one is ever going to take your spot. Well...... maybe your brother could. I'm just kidding Gale. No one will ever replace you. Prim is alright with him but she doesn't really like him a lot. She may not tell him that but you can see it in her eyes and how she acts around him. Peeta tries to act nice and friendly around her but you can see that he does not know how to act around her. He is an only child and does not know the first thing about acting around siblings like you and me. I am not sure about that but you are going to have to ask her yourself.

If you can find someone to send a dead deer down here I will take the first train out to personally give you Greasy Sae deer soup. We will have to see. I may or may not want to help you out with that. But do you accept the challenge to send a dead deer down here for the soup? I bet. I recall all the days we would sit out in the woods to just talk. Those are moment that keeps me smiling and happy. It really doesn't, sometimes I still hide and scare the other hunters. They have a lot to learn about being sneaky and cunning. Gale, that is so sweet. You made me the person I am today as well. People say that it was the Hunger Games and the Rebellion but they didn't have to take care of their families like us people in Distract 12. Not a lot of people understand how hard it was back then and they will never know.

I really don't know. She just does. I really can't explain it. It is great to have Johanna here; I really don't know what I would do without her. She's like a sister to me now. I really don't know. Like I can sometimes talk to Haymitch about it but with Peeta it's different. I just don't feel confirmable to talk about the games or any of it with him because I'm afraid that the tortured Peeta will come back. Effie says it's to show people that we survived the worse times and to have them look up to us victors for hope for the better of the future. Effie gave me this huge speech of why I should go but all I told her was that it was all full of crap. It's to give hope for the future I guess. Of course you would call him my lost puppy.

I really don't think I will. I have not found a guy yet. I have not found the right guy that can handle me and my crazy friends. That is what I am afraid of. Not for you but they guy. I don't think you will just break his face. I think you would try to kill him instead. I think Peeta is too afraid of both of us. I told him that we have to be just friends now. I don't think I can see a relationship happening between me and Peeta. Oh Gale, you are something else. You will find another girl and she is going to be better than me. Well I can tell you this; you have given so many girls hope that it was ridiculous. They really thought they had a chance with you and I just laughed when you never realized it.

To the future,


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