Chapter 54

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"Well, you guys are important people in mine and her life. You guys are apart our family. I want your permission to ask Katniss for her hand in marriage." I told them.

Effie and Prim reaction were the best. They both were holding back a freak out. Haymitch gave me a huge smile. He then said,

"Gale, I know that girl always had feelings for you since I first saw you two together. I know that was not going to change. So, yes you got my permission." He told me.

"Thanks, Haymitch." I said.

"Yes, Gale. Of course. I finally am getting the wedding I always wanted to plan for her." Effie said giving me a hug.

"Well, will see how far that will go." I said laughing.

"You know I always looked at you and your family as part of mine family. You always know I teased you about it. So, you already know my answer. Now, you have to see what her answer." Prim told as she hugged me.

"I know. That is what scares me the most." I told them truthfully.

"We all know she is going to say yes. If she doesn't, she is crazy." Effie said.

"I don't know about she is crazy. She is already that." Haymitch said.

We all laughed at that. He isn't wrong. She is a bit crazy. But that is what I love about her. We went back to the other. Now I need to find time to talk to Peeta. I know that I must get his permission because he is a huge part of her life.

When we all headed back to our own time. I talked Prim to keep Katniss business. So, I have time to go talk to Peeta. I told Peeta to meet me a this pub I know. When I finally got there I saw Peeta sitting on a stool at the bar.

"Hey Peeta. Thanks for meeting me." I said.

"No problem. We need to get along for Katniss. She loves you and we are friends. So, we should try to be friends." He told me.

"Yeah. Katniss told me you guys talked. I am happy you guys figured out everything." I told him.

"Me too. I kind of hated not talking her for that long. So, what is it you wanted to talk about? I know you didn't ask to meet up to talk to me about me and Katniss fixing our friendship." Peeta said.

"You are right. So, after getting Katniss back in my life since our first letter. Then our relationship grown. So, now I want to make a huge step. I already got Haymitch's, Prim's, and Effie's permission. I want your permission to ask Katniss for her hand in marriage." I told him.

"Why do you want my permission?" He asked me.

"Because you are a huge part of her life. You helped her throw the worse part of her life. I know she would want your permission. Also, you are apart her family. So, what do you say man?" I said to him truthfully.

"Go for it. I know you will make her happy for ever. So, there will never be anyone better then you." He told me.

"Thanks, Peeta." I said.

"So, do you know how you are going to do it?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I do. It will be cheesy, but it feels right. You all will get to see it." I told him.

*Katniss' POV*

After I spend time with my sister we headed back to Gale's place. We were going to have some time all together as a family at his place. When we got back everyone was already there. I couldn't help but smiling at this sight. If you told me years ago that this would be my life, I would tell you were crazy. That was only for dreams. But standing here seeing it. I know it was real. I won't trade any of it for the world.

It has been nice time having everyone together. We are going to need to do this more often. Maybe once a year we all get together and spend time together. Mostly, when right here is my family. The family I always needed and wanted.

"Hey can you come with me?" Gale asked. He pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sure. Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just outside for a bit." He told me.

"Okay." I said confused.

We then headed out towards the mailbox. I was now even more confuse. I just looked at him strange. Gale didn't say anything to me.

"Can you please check the mail box?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said.

I opened it to see a letter in there. I pulled it out and looked at the front. It was adressed to me. I looked at Gale. I then opened it.

Dear Catnip,

Ever since the beganning I have always been you and me. We always know where we stood. You were my right hand and I was were. Then the games came and changed that. It changed for us. Mostly, for how we felt for each other. It just made it grow no matter how far we were and where we were.

After the games there was the war. It just got us closer. Even if we were fighting different places and different ways. But we always had each other for each other. I was always standing on right. Right by you throw all the pain and sorrows.

But after it ended we went our seprater ways. It was what best for us. But not one day went by you were not on my mind or in my heart. Then you reach out to me there letters. It felt like I had you with me again. I always felt like something was missing with I left. I did it was you.

The letters brought you together gain. It didn't just do that. It reminded my why I loved you. It helped me express that to you. These letters gave me a chance I could never do in the past. But now with you back in my life I never want to let you go. Never want time or distance to keep us part.

Since day one I have always loved you. You took my breath away whatever you looked like. That never changed when we reconnected. It just grow. So, I thought the only way to do this right was with a letter. Because they were what gave me you again.

So, this will be our last one. Because I can't be part from you again. I write this to tell you that I love you Catnip. I will always. So, I need to ask you because I wanted to do this so long ago and was to scared. But now having you here and everything changes it all. Catnip, starting today will you be my forever and always right hand. Because I don't want anyone.



I looked up from the letter and saw Gale on one knee and holding a box with a ring in. I couldn't speak right now. I can't believe he was doing this. Everyone we love and care for is here to see it.

"So, Catnip will you marry me and be my forever and always right hand?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said.

He got up and spun me. When he put me down we kissed. I put the ring on. It was gorgous. It was perfect. Gale turned to our friends and family at the house watching and yell,


Everyone came from the house hugged us and congratulations. Now my life is complete. I could have never asked for anything else.

(A/N: Thanks for reading everyone. This is the end of the story. But for you lovelies we will be giving you a treat. There will be an epilogue chapter coming for you. Hope you like the story. If you liked this one so much check out our other stories. Keep on reading. Reviews = Love.)

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