Chapter 49

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My brother agreed and then they went back to teaching. I could not wait to see how my brother has grown into a hunter that he is now. You could see that he grew and got stronger. I was impressed on how he has grown. I was a little worried that he may be as good as me.

When they got done teaching Katniss and I just walked around. My brother left to go tell our mother what is going to happen. I couldn't help but smile when I watched him head home all excited to show me up.

"So, are you going to pick sides?" I asked Katniss.

"Hell no. I know your skills and I have gotten to watch him grow into what a hunter he is today. All I know is this is going to be a close one." She told me.

*Katniss's POV*

I wasn't going to tell Gale the truth when he asked if I was going to pick sides. But I am hoping Gale will come out on top. But I know his brother is good. As good as him. So, this is going to be a close one.

The time has come. The time that we find out which Hawthorne is a better hunter. I met up with them both at the entry of the woods. They know the rules. The best kill wins. No foul play. No cheating. But I know these boys will follow the rules to a tee. That is just who they are.

"You ready to see how it is truly done little bro." Gale said to him.

I didn't say anything about smack talking. They are siblings. There was going to be smack talking. There is no way stopping that.

"Oh please. You have been gone for a long time. These are now my woods. You are going done." His brother said.

"Okay boys so you know the rules. Now, first one that comes back with a big kill that you care by yourself will win. Meaning Gale, no dear today." I told them.

"Fine." He said to me.

Then they were off. I just waited by the trees that lined the entry of the woods. I could hear laughing and everything. I know they were having fun. I was waiting there for a while. I then heard someone coming out. Let's see who it is. The one that came out was Gale.

Right behind him was his brother. I looked at the what they both got. I looked at the boys. I then said,

"Gale won this one. But you both are great hunters I have."

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