Chapter 13

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Dear Gale,

They are jealous. What should there be jealous of. Really Gale! Are you kidding me? How did you make that up? That is kind of catchy. I am not the greatest hunter of all the districts. There are probably better people. You were a better hunter than me. I would not shoot someone. I would show people up. Just to make them better. You are so weird.

Yeah, he did. I asked him why he did it. He told me, he just wants to give it a try and try something new. I kind of wish you were here to see it too. I don't know how it is possible. I am still trying to figure it out. I am so confused about that. There is the first for everything. Even that is the first. Really Gale! I kind of feel bad for Peeta. He made a fool of his in front of a lot of people. District 12 is kind of teasing him. I know that you would be on the ground too. Gale stop being mean. He did stop coming after a while. I had to tell him he was horrible. But he stopped.

Yeah probably it was. That was probably the second reason. The first reason is because we were in the issue. I don't know what I would do without you. Yeah I know. I love your family. I know my family loves you. That is the best part that our families can get along so well. It is amazing. They know that we are there for them not matter or no matter where we are. Gale, you made a big effect in my life too. Not will change from it.

Yeah, it is good caught. It was not good. It is amazing. I don't see deer a lot. That has to be the first deer I caught. Greasy Sae made deer soup out of it. I bet you do miss it. I don't think I could hand going as long as you are without hunting. I is part of me. I can't life without it. I can't do it. I don't know how you do it. Even when you were here working in the mines. You went out hunting when you could. Mostly on the weekends. I won't be able to get use to it. So you are a stupid man. I know you hate being told wrong.

I know we can get through anything if we are together. I don't know either. I don't want to think about it either. You are one of the best parts of my life. It will never happen. Yeah that sounds about right. I never want anyone I love to get hurt so that is why I did what I did. No matter where we are. I think we will always be looking out for each other. I know that Gale but she is my little sister. It is hard to do that when I was the one who was there taking care of her. I told her that you were proud of her. She could stop smiling the whole day. That made her day.

Yeah, She is so helpful here. She helps me with Prim. Yeah there is a lot here. But we have been there so many times it gets boring. Except for The Hob that could never get old. There is always something new there. She loves it there. She fits perfectly with all the crazies in there. I don't know how she does. She said it is relaxing here then her old district. She was from district seven. District seven is the ones that provided limber to the capitol.

Gale no matter who comes into my life. You are the one who I will never let go. You will always be in my life. So I have to wait to know about your new friends. Okay. But now that is a reason to go down there. It is fair.

Whatever you say Gale. I am happy you are meeting people and not being a mysteries guy like you were here. A lot of girls want to date you Gale. Is there any special girl in your life? Or have you meet anyone catch your eye yet?

Don't be sorry Gale. There is no reason to be sorry. I know you want to see me too. But with what going on in our lives. It just can't happen right now. I know someday will come soon but for right now we got this. I can am just lucky you have not left my life. I wish it was different too. But life is better. We have been through to much to change that. I am happy with this.

Waiting for that day,

Catnip (Katniss)

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