Chapter 19

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Dear Gale,

Thanks Gale, you are amazing for telling all of this. I know that you are right and I just have remind myself that I am someone special. I know you were and that makes you all heroes, even if you don't believe it. You tried your best to get everyone out. You couldn't save everyone. There were going to be those people who were too scared or stubborn to leave. Remember most of Distract 12 never left Distract 12 in their lives and they were not going to let a bombing change that. You did your best and you save over half of Distract 12. That is amazing. You are right about that. I would have done the same thing.

Well at least you have friends. At least you are not being a lonely loner that you can be sometimes. I don't know how it feels like being a heart breaker. Most of the guys here are afraid of me to ask me out. I don't know how it feels Gale. I couldn't tell you how it feels to be a heart breaker when I am not one. I am not turning out to be like you. You are just being full of yourself right now. You are so dramatic sometimes Gale. I think you have a career should be theater. I totally forgot about that. I did not realize that he had brothers. Now that you are saying something I am remembering them. He had a younger brother that could have volunteer for him but he didn't. Well, I guess family is not that important to them then. I guess you are right. We'll just have to wait and see.

Well, I can't wait to get two deer from you Gale. Distract 12 will very appetites it. We have not seen a deer for a while. We barely have deer down here right now. I will defiantly bring down a big bowl of deer soup if you can get two deer here. I know what you mean. The woods are my safe place and no one can take that away from me even if they want to try.

I guess it is if you think about it. But it makes sense to us. She likes having family. She is great with Prim and Prim loves her like as sister. It's like Johanna was meant to be a part of my family since day one. I just didn't realize it until she moved here. I try to keep in contact with all the other surviving victors. But we all have our duties in our distract to do but I know what they are doing and they know what I'm up to as well. I sometimes think the same thing. Maybe Effie is more crazy then Johanna. Who knows?

I guess you are right. Would Mr. Right be you Gale? That is the only person I can think of that has been in my life this whole time. Unless you are talking about your brother or Peeta, then I don't know what to say. It depends on the guy. If it was Peeta I would have to tell you not to kill him but you can severely injure him. I am not even second to perfect Gale. I have so many flaws that show and I have scars that will never go away. Thank you for telling me that I am almost perfect but that is only you Gale who thinks that.

Feeling happy,


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