Chapter 38

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I know that it has been a little while. Everything has been busy here. I have received all our letter. Please do not think I am ignoring you. You mean so much to me. I know that you will do what is right. I am keeping my promise on coming to visit you.

I know that you will figure it out. I would love to join you if you get them to agree to having everyone come on the tour. How is everyone? I know that in your recant letter you were complaining about Peeta. What is going on there? I hope he is not causing too much trouble for you. Do I have to come down to hunt him down for you? I know that you can take care of yourself but I will always be here for you. I am your biggest supporter.

I think about everyone from the war every day. There is not a minute that goes by where I don't miss the one's we loss. I keep in touch with a few that have fought with us and survived. I know they are doing good and all that stuff. I agree that we all should be part of the tribute tour. I think about you every day.

I will not argue with you about your stubbornness. But everything I say is true about you. You are so much more then what you think of yourself. I promise I will write quicker next time. You will hear from me soon. I love you Katnip.

Your other half,


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