Chapter 23

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I woke up in the morning looking around. I almost forgot where I was at. But then it all came back to me that I was at Distract 2 visiting Gale. I got up and ready for the day. I quietly walked out to the living room not sure if Gale was a wake or not. I saw there was no one there and there was a note left. I took it and read it,


Work called and I had to leave but I will be back soon. Just hang out at my place and when I come back I will show you around distract two.


I sat down in the living room watching some tv. I did not realize how long it has been. Time flew by and before I knew it I heard the door open and saw Gale walking in. I looked over my shoulder and smiled toward him. I did not realize that there was someone was with him. He came around and the girl followed him.

"Catnip, this is Chris. Chris here works with me and is a good friend of mine here." Gale introduced Chris to me.

"Hey Chris. I am Katniss." I said shaking her hand.

"Oh I know who you are. We all know who you are. When Gale said that he wanted to make this meeting short and quick I knew that something was going on and I knew that it had to be about you. He only acts this way when it has something to deal with you." Chris said.

I did not know what to say. I did not realize that Gale felt that way about me. I knew that he had some kind of feeling for me but I did not know that he still had the passion for me. I smiled toward Gale and saw that he was going a little pink in the cheeks. That made me laugh now.

"Ah Gale are you going pink?" I said making him more embarrassed.

I did not know that Gale could get so embarrassed that easily. I remember in Distract 12 that he was the rock that did not show any feelings unless you were his family or me. I always knew what he was feeling and he knew mine. We could tell just by a look into each other's eyes.

"So Gale what are we doing today?" I asked.

"I thought I would take you hunting like old time sake and then we could walk around distract two's streets and I can show you some cool places there. Later on in the evening I thought we could go to this cool club that I know that you would like." Gale explained the day to me.

"Well, that is my cue to leave. It was nice to meet you Katniss." Chris said.

"Nice to meet you too." I screamed back as she left Gales' place.

We got our equipment to go hunting. Gale even had a bow and arrows for me. It was like he knew that I would be coming one day to visit. I smiled at him as we walked into the forest. It was peaceful here. It reminded me of the old times with him. We hunted for a while and took the catch to a local place Gale gives the meat to. I did not realize that he gave the meat away for free. We started to walk down the street of Distract Two. I turned to him and said,

"I did not know you gave the meat away for free. That is very nice of you."

"Thanks Catnip. I know that there are still people here that are unfortunate like how we use to be. I found this place that takes food or what ever anyone would give away. Clothes, shoes, food, etc. away for free. I thought that if I could help a family in need then I would. That is why I try to hunt at least once to twice a week. I know that it helps the greater good." Gale explained to me.

I was blown away by that. Gale was really turning into some one that everyone could look up to. He was generous and caring. I do not know anyone else that would do that from Distract Two or anywhere for the fact. He just kept impressing me more and more by the minute.

As we were walking, he showed me some of the local shops and he even pointed out the building that he worked in. It was one of those tall building that stuck out like a thumb. I snickered a little bit. Gale glanced at me and said,

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I was just think about you at work. I was trying to think if you wear a suit or not. If you work in a building like that you must have to wear a suit." I stated the facts.

"What if I told you that I did not have to wear a suit? You saw me when I came home. I was wearing jeans and a nice shirts. That is what I wear to work. I don't have to wear a suit." Gale told me.

I could not believe it but if he says so then I will believe him. When we walked down the street farther I could see that Gale was well known here. Everyone was saying hello to him or waving hi to him. In Distract 12 he tried to stay in the shadows. No one knew who he was, mostly if he was just walking down the street. But of course the stars of the girls were the same as if we were home at Distract 12. I laughed to myself noticing that Gale was not even realizing that all these girls that tried to get his attention. Gale was so think headed sometimes. But that was what made him, him. That is what the girls love the most about him, it was his mystery.

We walked into the club that Gale was telling me about. He said that him and his friends would meet here every Friday. We walked over to the corner of the room to a crowd. I could see Chris and then I saw a girl ran up to Gale and wrapped her arms around his neck. Gale lift her up and spun her around. I just stood there silent. I did not know what was going on. Those two seem really close. Gale never picked me up and spun me around like that. He actually never hugged me like that. It was like he was a different man with this mystery girl. I turned to face Gale and saw that she kissed him on the check and Gale did not stop her.

"Katniss this is Lizzy. Lizzy this is Katniss." Gale intruded Lizzy to me.

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