Chapter 48

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I thought this day would never come. But looks like it has. Luckily, I know I won't be alone doing this. I will have everyone there with me. I mostly will have him there with me. Right beside me. I can't wait to see him again.

We were waiting for the train to come and get us from District twelve. They were posting to pick up everyone went they went past. We were the last one's to be picked up. Then were going to begin our tour. But we will not be leaving District twelve right away. The tour was going to start here at District twelve first. I am only doing this because it is for the people we have lost in the war and everything. It was not about me.

"That train is post to super-fast. Dang it takes forever to get here." Johanna commented out loud.

I just shake my head at her. Just when I was about to say something the train has came up. I smiled to myself. Everyone was coming off the train. I went right over to them to say hi. It was nice to see everyone again. I then saw him. Gale came over to me and gave me a hug. When he let me go Prim went into his arms.

"Look at you. Have you grown?" He said looking at Prim when he let her go.

"Yes. That's what happens when you get older." Prim told him.

"Welcome everyone. You will be staying in the victor area for the time being." Effie said.

We then headed to the victor area with everyone. Everyone went into a place to stay while they are here. But Gale followed me to my place. I would not want it any other away. I gave him the guest room.

"It is nice to be home." Gale said.

"It's nice to have you home. I know your family is happy to have you home for a little bit. You know your mother is going to want you home for dinner while your home." I told him.

"I know. I kind of can't wait." He told me.

I then went to see if everyone was settled in alright. After I got done with that. I headed to the class I had to teach today. I then say Gale's brother waiting there for me. I went over to him smiling.

"I know why you are smiling." He told me.

"Really?" I asked him.

*Gale's POV*

I went looking around to see what has changed since I last was here. I then saw Katniss and my younger brother. They were teaching some people how to use a bow and arrow. This was going to be good. I have an idea. I think it's time show these guys how it is truly being done.

I quietly grabbed one of the bow and arrows that were not being used and waited. Katniss was talking at my brother was demonstrating everything she said.

"Alright, so since the last time we were together we were talking about aim and hitting the target. Let's see what you got."

I waited for the others to shoot their arrows. You could see that none of them knew what they were doing. I got my bow ready and just let the arrow sorrow through the air and land right in the middle of the target. Everyone looked around and I had all eyes on me. I saw Katniss smirking at me and I then said,

"That is how you hit the target."

"Most of you probably know who this is but let me introduce Gale." Katniss said.

I walked to the center where Katniss and my brother was. He gave me a nodded and I asked,

"Haven't you taught them anything brother when Katnip was gone?"

He did not know what to say and looked over to Katniss. I thought it was cute that he thought of her like a big sister. She protected him and my family when I was gone. I could not have asked for a better role model for my siblings then Katniss.

"Oh, leave him alone Gale. Your brother here is a pro with the bow. I am very proud of him." Katniss defended him.

I laughed and said,

"Oh, I'm just messing with him. I know that he is great but not at great as us two. We are the duo team. No one can top us."

"Hey city boy, we will see. You been gone for a while. You might be a little rusty." My brother spoke up.

I looked at him and then to Katniss. It was like she knew what I was thinking. I nodded, and Katniss said,

"We will settle the brother war tonight in the forest. The winner will get gloating rights and the title of best hunter."

My brother agreed and then they went back to teaching. I could not wait to see how my brother has grown into a hunter that he is now. You could see that he grew and got stronger. I was impressed on how he has grown. I was a little worried that he may be as good as me. 

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