Chapter 47

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We should then plan something. If it means to bring you home for a while. They will fit in just right. I have no worries. When they came here one day it would probably be like they have been here forever.

I know you can help me with these nightmares. If I have you I will never be alone. Yeah, I know you won't let me fight them alone. It has been while since I ever did that. Just worry about me and my love ones. Now I can just breathe a little bit more. I don't know if I could ever be selfish. You know me I will always worry about someone.

You can try to talk to him. Maybe it will help somehow. You have always been the better person for me. I wish things could have been different. But you know what. I don't regret now of it. Because it made us closer and everything. Strong together.

He miniatures you. When I look at him I see you sometimes. Trust me he is holding the name of your family in honor. I am happy the bracelet is still holding strong. I know what you mean by these letters make the better. I smile every time I see them. It is a part of us with each other. You are the only one I ever wanted to be with.

The connection will only grow more from here. No one can ever take that spot from you. You are always going be the best person in my life with our families. There will never be distance between us.

Can wait to see you again during this tour. Have everyone together again. It is coming so soon I can't believe it. It feels like I just told Effie I would do it. Pretty soon we will be together again.

Distance Can't Keep Us Apart,

Katniss (Katnip)

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