Chapter 11

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Dear Gale,

Yeah, you can tell me. They get so scare when they see me coming in the forest. Some of them get jealous. You should have been here for today's class. You won't believe who came and tried. Peeta. He was so horrible. It was funny. He almost killed one of the other guys when they are standing next to each other in one line. Please try explain that to me. That was the first time I saw that. He has to be my worse student ever. Your brother could not stop laughing. He was laughing so hard he fell on the ground in tears.

I know you were in the spot as me. That is probably one of the reasons we go along so much. We both know what is was like. There was no one else to help us. Except each other. Gale you know I am always here to help you and your family. I know you were there for us. I was there for you guys. Then will be no one else there for us and be welcome like you Gale. Gale, I was so grateful to have you in my life. I would not change that for the world. You will always be the first person I turn to if I am in trouble. You do know that.

Trust me Gale you would be laughing so hard if you saw their faces. I have caught squirrels, I got a deer today. The usual caught. I know that I have been doing this for years. I even told them that. But they thing it is easy but it is not. I know that I have the skill and years. Talking about hunting.... I took your brother to our spot. He loved it. You should've seen his face. He felt so lucky. Don't worry Gale I made sure he swore that he will show no one else this spot. I kind of scared him so we are good.

Yeah it is hard. We taught ourselves that our family goes first and no matter what they are who we protect first. I don't even know if we even put ourselves second. I think we put ourselves third. I always think you put me second and I put you second. We always had each other backs. You were part of my family. Your family was like my family. So no matter what we looked out for each other. I still put Prim first. She yells at me some time for that. She tells me it is time for me to put myself first. That she can take care of herself. Gale she is growing up so fast. I am so proud of her.

Johanna really likes District 12. It is different for her. But she likes it better here then her old district. Prim looks at her like another sister. She is always at my place. Johanna loves Prim like a sister. So that is good. I have some to help me keep an eye on her. Yes, her hair did grow back Gale. You are so mean. She still wants to get you back for all those jokes and everything when she had no hair. She doesn't have to drag me everytime. I do go out sometimes. But not always. I am not like you Gale. I do have a life. I don't know what is up with her and an ax. Gale it will always be me and you. No matter what. Gale, you and me against the world no matter who enters our life.

I bet it is. Maybe if I came down there you can take me if I ever come to visit. Will you please tell me about you strange buddies. Happy Gale I asked nicely. I don't get why I had to ask nicely. Now you have to tell me. Or I will just have to have to wait to meet them.

Yes you are a workaholic. You always tell me in these letters that you are always busy because of work. I think that is called a workaholic. Do you now? How is it different from District 12? When you are going to bed. Gale you always have to talk to people and see them. What I do everyday is probably different than what you do. I teach people how to use a bow and arrow without killing themselves. Also I hang out with Johanna and Prim. Also I hunt. I have a life. I am proud to be a huntaholic. I love what I do. I love to hunt. You would too if you still lived here. Gale you should not talk. You were a huntaholic too.

All these people you meet are probably because of the job. Have you meet people not because of your job? Most of those people are probably because of your job. Once again, you are a workaholic.

Someday Gale. Someday. Gale, I agree with you this is fine for now. But I would like to see you again. It has been forever since I saw you. But I know with what is going on this is all we got. I am okay with that. I will never stop talking to you. You have a big part in my life and I rather not loss that. Gale, I am fine and happy. But what about you? Are you happy and fine? Gale it is not all just me. What about you?

Never stop caring,

Catnip (Katniss)

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