Chapter 53

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He just stood there taking everything in. But he didn't say anything. Instead he just left. Left without saying another word. He needed some time to process everything. I don't blame him. I will give him his time. I will talk to him about it another time.

*End Flashback*

I haven't really talked to Peeta since I told him the truth. When we are in the same area he is only civil with me. But I know he is hurting and don't want to talk about it. But it was going to have to happen.

We have been traveling to all the Districts. It has been fun. Mostly, with the people I am with. It is nice to see how every district have grown from the past. If you didn't know what happened. You would have never known.

But it has been weird not having Peeta as my friend and everything. I have been giving his space for him to figure things out. Gale and I have been using our free time to figure out about us. We made it official a while back. Everyone was happy for us.

We were in District Two right now. Gale and some of our family members and friends were going around town. Gale was giving them a tour with his friends. Because I have been here I was going to take some time to myself.

I was staying at Gale's place while everyone else is staying at a hotel not that far from here. I know I was going to need to talk to Peeta now. I didn't want this to ruin what friendship we made throw the past. I grabbed my jacket and headed to the hotel.

I went to Peeta's room. I knocked on his door. I was hoping he was in. I really didn't think this throw. What if he went to see the town? I waited for a bit. I didn't hear anything. I started to walk away. But before I left, I heard a door open. I turned to see Peeta's door open and he was standing there.

"Hey." I said standing where I was.

"Hey." He said.

"Can we talk?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I think it's needed." He told me. He moved out of the away. I walked into his room.

"So, I want to apologize. I never wanted to hurt you. But Peeta, you know this was going to happen. You know since the beginning that it was always Gale." I told him.

"I know. But I always thought I had a chance and that could change once you got to know me and everything. Looks like I was wrong." He told me.

"No. I did have some feelings for you at first. So, it was not all fake. But my feelings for Gale was stronger and more. Then throw time my feelings for you turned into more a brother one. So, that was how I looked at you." I told him truthfully.

"I understand." He told me.

"I came here to talk to you because I didn't want to ruin the friendship we have since the beginning. We went throw too much to let this ruin it. I still want you in my life." I told him.

"Don't worry. You will never get rid of me that easily. You couldn't get rid of me in the games. You can't get rid of me now." He told me.

"Good. Can I give you a hug?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said.

I then gave him a hug. After that I left and headed back to Gale's place. I feel like everything is better. That the future is looking good.

*Gale's POV*

When I was saw everyone around town, I wanted to talk this time to talk to Haymitch, Effie, and Prim. I need to ask them an important question. Mostly, when they are her family. I will go talk to Peeta later. Before I got to pulled them away, I got a text. It was from Katniss,

I fixed everything with Peeta. Everything is good now. We are now friends.

Good to hear. I know you wanted to fix it. Happy you guys did.

You and me both. How is the tour going? They are not driving you insane.

No, I am good. Be home later.

Okay. You guys have fun.

I then put my phone away. That is good she and Peeta are good now. That means it won't be awkward when I ask. I went over to Prim, Haymitch, and Effie and pulled them aside when everyone else is looking at a store.

"Why do you pull me away from alcohol?" Haymitch said annoyed.

"Because I have to ask you guys important question that is towards our favorite girl on fire, Katniss." I told them.

"What is it Gale?" Effie asked.

"Well, you guys are important people in mine and her life. You guys are apart our family. I want your permission to ask Katniss....."

(A/N: Hey everyone. We thought we give you guys a warning. This story will be coming to an end soon. You will be getting one more chapter and epilogue chapter.)

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