Chapter 15

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Dear Gale,

You are just being moodiest Gale. I don't know if everyone believes that but I know that you would. You are a great hunter as well; you helped me take down capital even if everyone says that I did it because I was the face of the rebellion. Lots of people helped it was a group effort. You did the same thing with your family, your brothers, sister, and your mother. You had a lot more to take care of them I did. You are a dork sometimes even through letter you know how to make me laugh. I am not lying about the song. You can always put a smile on my face. Gale you were an amazing hunter even before me. You were the one that showed me how to better snares. I have grown as much as you when we became partners in hunting. It was to just scare them I never actually shot someone with a bow and arrow. I would never hurt another person ever again since the rebellion and the hunger games.

Of course I know the real reason. Just like most of the other half of my students in my hunting class. I know that you would say anything to Peeta like that. That is what scares me. If everything is possible then who else can get hurt by stupid things. I know that is true. But I guess that he just wanted to try and to prove to me that he can do what other men or guys can do as well. That is what I thought when I walked up to him and told him.

Of course you do. Maybe that would be great to have some deer here but I don't think anyone would ship a dead deer to distract 12. Thanks for asking offering and maybe if I am generous enough I will send you some of Greasy Sae deer soup down to you. That must be a challenge if you have to sneak out; lucky you have a lot of practice on that. You should be a pro by now on sneaking out. Of course you are Gale. You are way better than of them. You have a heart that no man will ever have, the will power to do great. Men of all distracts are jealous of you Gale. You are a man that all they want to be and all the girls want to be with.

Yeah, she something else and I am glad that she is here or I think I would go crazy. I know that it sounds weird but she keeps me sane. She is a good friend and one that knows what I have been through and can be there for me. I know that you would be there for me but sometimes I just need someone to talk to that has been in my shoes before. It's hard to talk to Haymitch or Peeta because they may say that they understand but they may not, at least not everything. I don't think so. Johanna and I are done with the victor crap and we want nothing to do with the Hunger Games or any of that anymore. I am not sure about Peeta but if I don't go I don't think Peeta will go too. For Haymitch he counts but he's not going. Just like Johanna and I he wants nothing to do with any of this anymore.

At least you don't have to worry about me. I don't think I will have a future boyfriend or husband to worry about our relationship. I don't see myself dating anytime soon. But I hope that your future girlfriend or wife will accept our relationship and know that I am no threat to them. Gale it seem like you never change some times. How many heartbroken women are upset about you not looking for a relationship right now?

I am happy that you see it my way. We will see each other soon but soon is not any concern for us right now. I am glad that we reconnected as well. I know that and we will face that later down the road.

Glad to hear from you,

Catnip (Katniss)

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