Chapter 16

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Dear Catnip,

What do you mean I have been moodiest? So what if people believe it. All that matters if you believe it. You were not just the face. You were the leader. No one back talked you. You were not just the face of it. You were the beginning of it. You started it all. That means something. Without you we would not be where we are now. Yeah, I know that it was a group effort. I know that I had a lot more people to take care of but we were both in the same situation. No matter what I will always make you laugh. I know I'm a dork. That is one thing you like about me. I am happy I can still put a smile on your face. Even time I see a letter for you. I get a smile. We both are amazing hunters. We learned a lot from each other. We taught each other a lot without knowing it. I know you won't.

I bet that is true. But I know it doesn't work. You are not an easiest person to get on their good side. That is the one thing they need to work on. But it is the truth. He only wants to get on your good side to make a move. He wanted to show you that he can be tough and hunt too. That you can trust him out there. No offence I think he was trying to take my spot. So I have these questions and they are about him. What does Prim think of him? How is he with her? Does Prim like him?

You never know. I can ask around. I bet I can find one person who would do it. Come on Catnip. You know you want to send me some. I would really love that. You would make me a happy boy. Yeah it is a challenge but it reminds me of the good old days with you. When we use to sneak out and hunt. Hide in bushes and trees. Never really got old did it? I am a pro. Don't worry. I know I am that awesome. But I am that person because of you. You helped me become that guy. Still am that man.

How does she keep you sane? Please explain that to me. I know that. I know that I can't understand what you went through in there. But I am happy you have someone to talk to. Why would you say that. Why is it hard to talk to them? I bet you guess don't. I know you won't do it. I don't get why they still have these tours. I think it is a load of crap they are giving us. It just reminds us of what we once did. No one wants to remember that. So why have them still? No one wants to go to them. Peeta is not going if you don't. He is your little lost puppy. He will follow you everywhere. I don't blame you guys not going. It only brings back horrible memories.

Why don't you think you will have a future boyfriend or husband? I won't worry. Any guy comes and tell me that I have to stay away from you. I will break their face. Because one thing I know is that no one is going to get between our relationship. What Peeta hasn't tried anything? I don't think I will have a future girlfriend or wife either. If we are going to be truthful.... My heart only wants one girl. I bet you knows who that is. So I think our relationship is good. I really I don't know how many hearts I broke. I really don't try or keep count. I don't really notice either. You know that Catnip. I bet a lot of women is heart broken.

I will always see it your way. Yeah I know that we will see each other soon. But not any time soon and that is okay.

Done the road,


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