Chapter 20

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Dear Catnip,

Just writing Catnip on the letter reminds me the day I gave you that nickname. I can't believe that it sticks to this day. I am the only one that can call you that. Has anyone else called you that? If so who so I can beat them up because I'm the only one that is allowed to call you that. It's a thing between the two of us.

That is what I am here for. Someone has to remind you of how awesome you are. That is what a best friend is for. I know that I am a hero deep down but all those courageous acts where exactly that, courageous acts. I know but sometimes I wish I did get them all out. I am proud to save as much people as I did.

I have never been a lonely loner in my life. You were the lonely loner if I recall. I think I was your only friend back then. Whatever you say Catnip but I know that you are becoming one even if you don't see it. You tell me that always. I know that I can be dramatic but I am not joining the theater. They only have dramatic bitchy divas and I am not doing that. Yeah I know right. But I guess everyone can't have great siblings like us. We would do anything for you siblings even volunteer for them. Let's just hope that she doesn't try to kill him. That would be tragic. Not for him but for her.

You will get them soon. I have to just hunt them down and kill them. I got a guy that said that he will send them down for me. Get ready to have to deer coming your way. I can't wait to see you and have a nice bowl of deer soup.

I guess it would for you. That is great that Prim likes her. Johanna has been through a lot and all she needs is someone to care for her. I guess I would count her as a good friend if I knew her better but for right now she is a reliable ally. I happy you found some to add to your family. Family is so important and you know that already. There is not a day that goes by where I do not miss my family and think about them. That is great that you keep in contact with the other victors. At least you have people who you can talk to that have been through what you have been through it as well. Like I said, Effie is on crack.

I don't know, maybe it could be me, it defiantly not my brother or Peeta. One my brother is too young for you and Peeta knows nothing about you like I do. So you are saying I have permission to severely injure Peeta? If so, that is awesome because I would so do it. Please let me do it! But that is what is great about you is your flaws. Someone going to look at you and say that your flaws are adorable, like I do. For your scars, it shows that you have story that is interesting. That you have been in battle and you won. Those scars show your strength because Katniss you are strong.

Caring heart,


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