Chapter 22

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*Gale's POV*

I reread the letter at my mailbox. This has to be some kind of joke. She can't be here. She is in district 12 I thought. Then I finally did what the end of the letter said. I turned around to see her. The one person I want to see in years but never had the time. There she was standing across the street smiling at me. This can't be real. But it was. She walked straight to me when I realized she was here. She stood right in front of me. I couldn't help but smile. Here she is. She is in district 2.

"Katniss." Is all I could say to her.

"Hello there Gale." She said smiling. The next thing we did was hug each other. I couldn't believe it. She was here in district 2. I didn't want to let her go. I don't think she didn't want to let me go either. But we parted anyway.

"Come on inside." I said leading her to my place. I opened the door and let her go first.

"Thanks. This is a nice place you have here Gale." She said looking around.

"Thanks. So what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I told you in the letters if you sent us a deer I would hand deliver deer soup to you. So here you go." She said handing me a contender.

"Awesome. Thanks." I said taking it and putting it way.

"No problem. Also I wanted to see you." She told me.

"I am so happy you are here. So let me give you a tour of the place. Also let me show you where you will be staying." I said showing her around my place. I then opened a door to my spare bedroom. "Here you go. This will be your room when you stay here."

"Thanks Gale." She said walking into the room.

"No problem. So I will let you settle in. I will be in the living room." I told her.

"Okay. Thanks again Gale." She said.

"No problem." I said leading. But I turned around. "Oh yeah, looking good Catnip."

I then walked to the living room. I sat on the couch thinking. Katniss is here in district two. I can't believe it. My best friend, hunting partner, and hope maybe more is here to see me.

*Katniss's POV*

I looked around the room for a bit. I looked out of the window in my room. What a beautiful vow. I am looking right at the forest.

I walked out the living room to see Gale on the phone. I sat on the couch to wait for him to get off the phone. When he finally got off the phone. He turned to me and smiled. I smiled at him asking,

"What was that all about?"

"Nothing. Just work." He said to me.

"You never really told me what you do for work?" I said to him.

"I know that. But that doesn't matter right now. What do you want to do?" He asked me.

"I don't care. What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"We can stay in and hang out here. What do you think?" He said to me.

"Sure. That sound great." I said to him.

"Okay then. Then I can show you district two tomorrow." He said.

"Sounds good." I said. Then we sat on the couch. We talked about everything in our lives. Also brought up memories too. When dinner came around. He went into the kitchen to cook me dinner. I watched him cook. He was really a great cook.

It got late. We turned in. I can't wait for tomorrow. I am so happy to be here. I can't wait to hang out with Gale more. This was the best decide I made.

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