Chapter 42

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I think that might be a good idea. My friends have been asking about my past and I have told them a few things but they wish to see where I am from and where I grew up. Maybe I would bring them with me when I come to visit in the future. I don't think they know the word relax. Hahaha. I know that the gang would help my friends fit in District 12.

I will think about it. How would you be scared? If you have everyone with you. I know that everyone would be excited to see each other. It has been a long time since we all have seen each other for a good moment. If you want I will talk to Jonna to make sure that she will not do anything stupid. But I hope you are right about Peeta. He deserves someone that can return all the feelings that he has. He just needs to open his eyes up and see that you are not interested in him like that.

I know that some days are tough but you do have people down there that love you and care for you. Our family is down there and they would do anything for you. You have Jonna and the others there. Of course there is no one that can replace you. You are one of a kind. Don't ever forget about that. I am the same way. These are the one thing that I look forward to. It is like having a piece of you always with me. When I read them it's like you are in the room telling me personally. I makes me smile for a while and I always go back and think about what you wrote to brighten my day if I am having a bad day.

You are a hero in my eyes. I will always think of you as a hero in my eyes. We all do things to keep our loved ones safe. Because you are to honest to yourself and you don't see what others see of you. But that usually how it goes. Everyone sees what you don't see and it takes that one person for you to see who you truly are.

I will always be here for you Catnip. You already know that I will always love you and I have never stopped loving you. There is no one else but you in my heart.

Lots of love,


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