Chapter 26: The Girl, Who Wants Revenge!

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3rd person's pov

Tsubaki told everyone to stay far back so nobody was caught up in the fight. That is, until the fight turned south. "Fist Assault!!!" Kiyomi attacked Tsubaki, who couldn't dodge it in time. The Z fighters couldn't see what was going on at all. "Goku, are you sure you can't tell where she is?" Chichi grabbed his arm, "No, I can't even sense her ki level at all. That's very strange, can you sense her, Vegeta?" Goku scratched his head and turned to Vegeta. "No, of course not you idiot! If you can't sense her, then I wouldn't be able to." Vegeta crossed his arms, "Gohan?" Chichi sounded extremely worried, "No, Mom. I'm sorry." They heard a loud scream of pain come from farther up and a figure came flying towards them. She hit the wall behind them, "What was that?" Krillen looked back, "Tsubaki!!" Bulma yelled, as Tsubaki slid down the wall. "Now, now. Where is your brother, Baki?" Tsubaki instant transmitted away, landing in front of the Z fighters. She slowly stood up, "I'm not gonna let you touch him." Tsubaki stated, with a fierce look in her eyes.

"Kaameehaaaameeeehaaa!!" Tsubaki sent it directly to Kiyomi, who dodged the attack and disappeared. "Where did she go? I can't sense her ki." Tsubaki looked around the Z fighters and then heard movement over Trunks, who happened to be next to Chichi. "Tr-" She was cut off, when Kiyomi appeared holding onto Trunks shoulder. "You know in my time.... After your death, Trunks needed someone to confide in. And I was that person, so in my time. Trunks and I are a couple." Tsubaki growled, her tail waving angrily. "Is poor little Baki mad that I stole her man?" Kiyomi taunted and laughed loudly, Tsubaki got really angry and her power began to grow. "Stop touching my man!!!!" Tsubaki punched Kiyomi hard in the gut and then kicked her far back into the mall. "Whoa, scary." Krillen said nervously, "She's really possessive." Tien said, "You have no idea," Trunks said with a sweat-drop, "Well, I told ya earlier. She's a keeper." Krillen laughed, patting him on the shoulder.

"The next time, you think about touching my man. I will not hold back." Tsubaki raised her power level and charged at Kiyomi, just as she was recovering from the punch and kick combination. "Why can't you get it through your thick skull, Tsubaki?!!" Kiyomi launched her attack at Tsubaki, who held it off. "And why can't you get it through your thick skull that you're standing in front of me?!! I told you before, I will not let you come here and destroy something!!! I'm not letting you tear my family apart, just because of my death in your timeline!!!! It was already hard enough losing my Dad and then my older brother in my timeline!!!" The Z fighters watched in shock, as Tsubaki spoke to Kiyomi. "Losing the Z fighters to the androids, then my older brother. It hurt! A lot. I could have lost my own Mom, if I hadn't gone with home with her that day! I came back in time with Trunks to make sure that didn't happen. I came back to make sure my Dad didn't die, that the androids didn't do exactly what they did in my time!! To make sure they didn't cause so much pain and death to other people, who couldn't protect themselves as well as Trunks and I can!!" Tsubaki shouted, for the first time everyone saw just how much the androids affected her.

"She's crying." Krillen sat forward, as Tsubaki pushed the attack forward. "I will not let you take my brother away from me!!! I'm not letting this happen again!!! Get it through your thick skull that your best friend, is standing right in front you!! She's standing right here and not going anywhere!!!" Tsubaki threw the attack full back at Kiyomi, who tried to get away but she couldn't dodge it in time. There was a big explosion throwing back Tsubaki and Kiyomi, Tsubaki landed near the Z fighters and Kiyomi was a lot farther. There was a moment of silence that passed, while Tsubaki opened her eyes and stood up. Instead of crying she looked forward clenching her fists and watched as the smoke dissipated, laughter was heard. But it wasn't evil, it was painful. "What's so funny, Yomi?" She asked, stepping forward as Kiyomi stood up. "I never thought-" She struggled to stand up straight. 

"Never thought you what?" Tsubaki put a hand in her pocket and stood facing to the side, "That you'd call me that nickname. The last time I heard that name, was before you died. I never thought.. I would hear you call me by that name again. I never thought I'd be here, hearing the wise words you always told me." Tears clouded her vision, "You don't know how much I missed you and your stupid lectures. I never thought, that I could hear you speak that way again. I argued with you-" Kiyomi looked down and clenched her fists, as a tear rolled down her face. "I argued with you because I didn't want you to leave me like my parents did. Chichi, she was kind enough to take me in and it hurt worse when she lost both her son and daughter. First it was you and then Gohan leaving Trunks and I. I didn't want to leave but you told me to go. I missed hearing you laugh, you yell at me, you cry." Kiyomi started to cry, "Why did you think coming back in time would stop Gohan? Gohan isn't old enough and both Trunks and I came from our timeline to put a stop to the androids once and for all. Just take a look at Gohan! He's only a teen!! Killing a teen isn't what I would have wanted you to do. Did you realize my timeline counterpart wouldn't have wanted you to come back for revenge? Did you ever think about that?" Tsubaki stepped forward with an angry look on her face, as she glared harshly at Kiyomi. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Tsu. I'm so sorry. I just wanted my best friend back." Kiyomi started to cry, Tsubaki walked forward and wrapped her in a hug. Kiyomi held onto her tightly and sobbed into her, not wanting to let her go.

"I'm here.. You don't need revenge." Tsubaki whispered, holding onto her friend. The Z fighters were all watching with shock, which then turned into happiness. They all smiled except Vegeta, who just huffed. "Your daughter is an exceptional young lady. Chichi, your timeline counterpart seemed to have raised her well." Bulma said, a smile plastered on her face. Pretty soon, Kiyomi left in her time machine, back to her time. They said their goodbyes and she left. "Tsu, are you alright?" Gohan asked, "Yeah, I am." She gave them a big smile, before collapsing onto the ground. "Tsubaki!!!" Chichi ran forward, "Don't worry, she just passed out because she's tired." Piccolo said as Goku picked up his daughter, who was sleeping. "You fought well today, Tsu. Sleep tight for now, you need it." Goku smiled down at his daughter and they left the mall.

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