Chapter 1

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The loud thumping of music vibrated all throughout my body, my chest pumping along the rhythm of each beat. Everyone only seemed like shadows looming around me, pushing and shoving each other in a desperate attempt to create friction. I was lost in a psychedelic haze as I danced with a man whose name I had already forgotten. He might have introduced himself earlier but my mind was too preoccupied to notice as I marveled at the spectacle that is of the interchanging of lights from red, to blue, and yellow, then white, and finally, they simultaneously danced along.

He was grinding his pathetic erection against my ass, peppering sloppy kisses along every exposed skin he could reach while his hands palmed my breasts too roughly to be pleasurable. His breath against me was hot and needy, the stench of his last meal making me sick.

A cloud of darkness flashed through my vision and I felt my head grow heavy, my body warning me that I could pass out at any moments notice. I slowed down, feeling my chest clench at the lack of air and excessive adrenaline. Suddenly, a rush of bile surged up my throat and I shoved the man away, quickly turning on my heel. I pushed my way out of the crowd, breaking the contact of a couple grinding against each other and punching a man in the gut when he tried to slip his hand under my dress.
I let out a deep breath when I finally found my way to the ladies room but my relief was short lived. There's a fucking line.

You gotta be shitting me.

I glanced at the men's room across the hall and took quick strides towards it. I gifted the men a smirk before pushing the door of the nearest cubicle open and bending over, sticking two fingers down my throat. Vomit spluttered out of my mouth, a mix of pills, bread, whiskey, and champagne. I forced it all out until I my stomach started clenching from lack of content and my throat was sore.

I staggered out of the stall, going to the sink to wash off the vomit and gargling a mouthful of water. I caught the men looking at me and I flashed them another smile before heading out. The moment I stepped into the hall, a rush of heatwave hit me, mixed with the scent of alcohol, smoke, sweat, and strong perfume. I clutched my head as the nausea became harder to fight.

I switched my phone on to call Andrea, my best friend, and the damn thing immediately started pinging with messages from my brother threatening to call my probation officer if I didn't answer him. I cursed under my breath and began the process of pushing my way out of the place again, claiming my coat from the clerk along the way. I descended the stairs and found the exit leading to a dark alley. My phone started blaring and I rolled my eyes when I read Almighty SOB on the screen. I lit up a cigarette and took the call.

"Will you shut the hell up?" I muttered, rubbing my temples.

"We agreed you'd be home before sunrise," Jude, my dutiful brother, snapped back.

I took a drag from my cigarette as I glanced at the sky. Dawn was about to break. "Lost track of time. My bad."

"Tell me where you are. I'll come pick you up."

I looked around, searching for Andrea's car and scoffed when I couldn't find it. "That bitch!"

"Angel..." Jude said impatiently. "Where are you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Guess it's your lucky night," I said, sighing. "Silver Lining. West 43rd Street. Get me some French fries, will you? Make it large."

"Stay there."

"Hey, and one of those sundae shit with rainbow sprinkles on top," I added but he hung up. "Jerk."

I tucked my phone back in my bra and scanned the street. I spotted a bodega and headed for it, craving for a drink. When I entered, the cashier was sleeping while hunched over a baseball bat. I smirked, biting the filter of my cigarette before slamming my palms on the counter at either side of his head. He shot up and started freaking out, grabbing the bat and holding it up. Backwards.

Lost in a Reverie 18+ Only (Book 1 of Lastor Series) ['23/'24 EDIT]Where stories live. Discover now