Chapter 65

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Luis nodded to us in greeting as we passed while commanding the workers clearing and replacing the ruined furniture in our living room. Jude was sitting at the breakfast table when we entered the kitchen, working on his laptop as he ate. I wordlessly sat across from him and Rick took the seat beside mine.

"Coffee?" Rick asked.

I hummed in affirmation, letting him fill a cup for me. He took a croissant from the platter on the table and spread butter on it before offering it to me. I accepted it, aveting my gaze from Jude who was watching us with a look of scorn. Rick just carried on, fixing himself a plate and offering me a bite in between eating.

"If I kill him, will you forgive me?" Jude suddenly uttered.

"Never," I answered before taking a sip of coffee. "Where's Stella?"

"Upstairs. Sleeping."

I eyed him for a moment, noting the obvious ease he was carrying himself with. It was so unnatural, seeing him not practically suffocating under his own skin. To think that baby faced little thing was capable of bringing this freak to submission so completely, I was genuinely impressed.

"You didn't fuck the poor thing into a coma, did you?"

He stiffened, gifting me with an almighty glare while Rick snorted into his coffee cup. I casually handed him a napkin.

"Can you not be so crass?" Jude snapped irately.

I shrugged, taking a bite of my croissant and chasing it with coffee. "She's technically my dependent. I'm obliged to be apprised regarding her health, including post-coital injuries."

"What kind of brute do you take me for?"

"Brother, you are half of me and I you," I said, parting my lips to let Rick feed me omelette. "Where do you think I got my aggression from?"

"I hardly recall teaching you such a thing– could you please stop speaking with your mouth full?" he uttered in disapproval.

I chewed and swallowed before replying, "I'm a visual learner." I tapped at the corner of my eye while taking another bite of croissant. "So, shall I prepare a bed in the ICU or perhaps a grave for your precious Stella?"

Rick was groaning, clutching his side as he snickered. Jude glared at me again.

"She's fine, and I can take care of her when she's with me, so just keep watch from outside."

I nodded. "And how long will you be keeping her with you?"

"For as long as she wishes to remain with me," he replied almost defensively.

"You're making it real hard to do my job, you know," I said, sighing.

"You started it." He cast a pointed glance at Rick. "If you intend to keep yours, then I will keep mine."

"He got you there, gorgeous," Rick quipped, feeding me a slice of bacon.

I chewed quietly, not having the words to rebutt either of them. I decided to just drink my coffee instead.

"By the way, I have to go to London for business in a few days," Jude went on to say. "The firm is in the final stages of the expansion. It will take a week, two at most. Do you mind if I stay at East Wind Palace?"

My brows furrowed. "Isn't it a museum now or something?"

"Yes, but the apartments in the north wing are restricted and can only be used under your approval."

"I still own it? I thought Teri sold it a few years ago."

"You own a palace?" Rick intejected, sounding incredulous. "Like, literally?"

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