Chapter 34: Jude

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My mind was running all over the place as I drove while Mother sat in the passenger seat ranting about the new wife of one of her friends' ex-husband.

"Honestly, I can't believe Conrad threw away twenty years of marriage for that wretched salope," she spat. "But if you ask me, Ingrid is to blame for hiring the putain as a maid in the first place."

The back of my neck tingled with the familiar sensation of my fury becoming disturbed. I was used to Mother's habit of insulting those she deemed below her but there was just something in her words that ticked me off.

"Being a maid doesn't make someone a whore, Mother."

"But stealing someone's husband does."

I scoffed. "Isn't the reason why they got divorced is because Ingrid was sleeping with their son's friend, who I assume is a minor? Sounds to me Ingrid deserves more than bearing with the humiliation of watching her ex-husband's new wife walk around the club, considering she's technically a rapist."

"Jude! How could you say such things to your mother!"

I pursed my lips, suddenly feeling the urge to scream hypocrite.

"Forgive me," I said instead, rubbing a hand over my face. "I'm just a little stressed. I didn't mean to project it on you."

She sighed, reaching for my shoulder and rubbing it lightly.

"Is this about your business meeting? Did it not go well, cheri?"

I shook my head. "No, it went fine. We'll be meeting again next week to finalize the purchase," I said, sighing. "It's Angel. I'm worried about her."

"What did that bâtard do now?"

I took in a steadying breath. "We've talked about not using that word."

"But she is! She's just a bastard borne out of your father's wanton acts and should not have the privilege to be called our own!" she declared, her accent becoming thicker the way it often did whenever she lost her composure.

"Mother, please stop that," I pleaded.

"I just do not understand why you must keep on caring for that petite pute!"

I gritted my teeth to hold back my tongue at hearing her call my sister that incorrigible thing.

"All she does is hurt you but you still stay with her. Is it because of Josef? You do not owe that man your life, Jude. You shouldn't waste your life away to keep a promise to a dead man."

"That's not it and you know that."

"No, I don't. I truly don't. So why, hm? Tell me why you continue allow yourself to be ruined for that bâtard's benefit."

"Because she's my sister."

"She's your right hand," she corrected. "If I had been able to bear another child, she wouldn't even exist in our lives. She was born for one purpose, to serve you, not the other way around. You are the heir and she is nothing but a glorified slave."

"Enough!" I snapped, unconsciously raising my voice and causing her to pull away from me. I sighed, tightening my hold on the steering wheel. "She's my sister and I will always care for her. I don't expect you to understand and you can hate her if that gives you satisfaction, but at least accept that she's precious to me and stop being so cruel to her."

"And what of me then?" she asked in a trembling voice. "Is your mother not precious to you?"

"That isn't what I meant."

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