Chapter 5

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It was a Saturday and I spent the entire day in the library doing an extreme cramming session. Tristan and Bo, my two good and only friends in Princeton, had left an hour ago, deciding to push off their work load tomorrow to make way for a party held at one of the fraternity houses in Princeton known for throwing the wildest parties at the university while I stayed behind. I needed to settle everything before I carried on fucking up my life.

I was on my way home, deciding to continue with my work there. Bo had left messages that I deliberately ignored. I saw my brother's chosen car of the week parked inside the underground garage of the complex as I pulled up on my bike and I dreaded having to face him. It was exactly why I decided to spend my Saturday in the library instead of staying at home.

I shifted my hold on my backpack and helmet as I entered the apartment quietly but the sound of loud gunshots and gruff voices inside meant I wasn't going to be able to get in without being noticed.

I moved silently as I walked down the hall. Jude was sitting on his ass on the couch and playing video games with some other douche. I hastily walked towards the stairs.

"Come back here," my brother called.

I pursed my lips, wanting to spite him but obliged instead. He's been making a habit of conducting lectures nowadays and I was in no mood for one.

I walked back inside the living room, holding my helmet close to my chest as if it could protect me from my brother's scrutinizing gaze. He didn't disappoint as he raked his eyes over me before searing me with a glare. I faced him dead on. I had nothing to hide anyways.

"Where have you been?"


"You weren't answering your phone," he said, his eyes still fixed on mine as if searching for something.
I sighed, fishing out my phone and throwing it at him. "The battery died," I said while he looked at it. I made sure to drain the damned thing before coming home.

He nodded in satisfaction as he handed my phone back to me. "You drove your bike to school?"

"Yeah, so?"

"You got ticketed again, didn't you?"

I pursed my lips. "Not my damn fault the fucking cops get a hard on over slapping me with a slip."

"They're doing their job. You're not supposed to be speeding," he muttered, holding out his palm. "Give me the tickets. I'll handle them."

"Nah, I got it."

"Last time you said that, the court issued a warrant for your arrest for failure to pay your fines and sentenced you to serve eighty hours of community service," he said in a flat note. "Give them to me."
I sighed, digging into the front pocket of my bag and handing him the three tickets. "You just get a kick out of diminishing my pride, huh?"

"You do that yourself," he muttered as he scanned the tickets. "Seriously, Gel? Going eighty on a forty five? Would it really hurt so bad to follow the law?"

"I was in immense pain trying not to beat the cop with my helmet. Following the law would have killed me," I muttered sarcastically.

He gave me a flat look. "You've been ticketed five times in one month. Sooner or later they're gonna suspend your license."

"You keep saying that and yet you keep bribing the judges to let me walk. Aren't you just a box full of contradictions?"

He glared at me. "Start following speed limits or I'm taking the bike away."

I smiled, quickly dropping it. "I'll try."

"Have you eaten?"


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