Chapter 41

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I nursed a bottle of vodka as I sat on the edge of the balustrade, my legs dangling in the air while I looked down at the city lights.

It was beautiful. The night, the lights, the strip.

I was in the city of excess, debauchery, and sin. The suite was filled with strangers whose names and faces I couldn't pin point. But they were beautiful, as most people were in the city of sin. At least physically.

I didn't know where Andrea found them. Or maybe they found us. I didn't care either way because all I could think about was if I jumped now, how long would it take for any of them to notice my broken corpse?

I hoped I didn't land on the pool. That would be such an epic fail.

I giggled, leaning forward and looking down at the pool. It would probably sting like a bitch to land on that all the way from where I was.

I took a large swig from the bottle of vodka, coughing up when it backfired. I should have taken whiskey.

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused," I muttered before lighting up a cigarette.

Much to my annoyance, the prick pranced towards me.

"It's not safe to sit there, you know?"

"That's the point."

He chuckled and I scowled, turning to look at him. In my inebriated brain, I could easily make out his pretty face. He flashed me a grin that could have probably had any other girl eating at the palm of his hand. I wasn't any other girl though.

"Lawrence Hurt," he said, holding out a hand between us.

I arched a brow, glancing at his hand. "Jackie Howard."

He laughed, shaking his head. "Using your mother's name? That's very naughty of you, Angel Lastor."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn't fancy smartass fancy pants. This one fit the bill.

"The fuck do you want, Lawrence Hurt?" I spat before taking a swig from my bottle.

He shrugged. "Well, a good time, for one. That's what everyone wants when they come to Vegas, isn't it?"

I rolled my eyes and brought my gaze back to the daunting view of the city. Las Vegas. Sin City. Probably the most fitted place for someone like me to wreak havoc in for my own sick entertainment but truly, this city has lost its appeal to me.

I hated this city more than I hated New York.

I've done every possible shit one could do in this place before I even hit the legal age. The only thing I haven't done was get banned from stepping foot in it. I should probably get around to doing that soon.

"People come to this horrid place to escape reality and indulge in their misguided fantasies of grandeur," I mumbled, embracing the vodka bottle to my chest. "A good time, as you say, is a concept that isn't applicable to Las Vegas. Sin City offers anything and everything but good things. Tourists are blinded with the idea of living off their fantasies that they fail to see what this city really is."

"What is it then?"

I shook my head, taking a long swig from my bottle before offering it to him.

"It's one massive shithole that you can't get out of because you're afraid of living in reality where not everything can be casted away with a line of cocaine," I said, chuckling inwardly at the fact that I was quoting Rick of all people.

"That's very cynical of you," he noted with a short laugh. "I take it you're not having fun then?"

I scoffed. "What's so fun about escaping? About running away? About being alone?"

Lost in a Reverie 18+ Only (Book 1 of Lastor Series) ['23/'24 EDIT]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz