Chapter 21

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Before I was brought to America, I had spent the first four years of my life within a secluded estate in Berlin. Back then, I wasn't Angel Lastor, but just little Angel and Jude was my everything while I was his.

We spent every hour of every day together. Even during his lessons, I'd be next to him, learning along with him even though I understood nothing until eventually, I understood everything and realized the tutors were all half stupid. Jude always got mad at me whenever I told them that, saying it was rude to call people stupid.

During his free time, we'd play video games and when we got bored of that, we'd tell each other made up stories from our childish imagination. Ben, our bodyguard and my godfather, would often stay with us at night to make sure we slept, otherwise, we'd spend all night playing and talking.

The only times I was ever apart from Jude was whenever he had to attend events, and when he returned, I'd make him tell me everything that happened while eating dessert together.

Jude loved dessert and I loved hearing his stories. It made me the happiest, hearing his stories, even if I had to be alone while he was experiencing them.

When it was decided Jude would move to America to formally begin his studies and attend to the responsibilities he was old enough to bear, he had refused to leave me behind.

They had to physically rip him away from me because he wouldn't let me go. Even when they managed to part us, he continued to fight those who tried to drag him away and only calmed down when they brought me back to him.

It went on for days. He's always been so dramatic, my brother. They only relented to his violent fits when he took me to the roof of the house and threatened to kill us both if they took him away. So I came with him.

I was such a weak and sickly little thing that it took me years to be able to walk by myself. I only ever saw the world from the window and through the television, which was why I had been so excited for the move, even though Jude was dreading it.

It was the first time I was ever allowed to leave the threshold of the house and I couldn't wait to finally exist in the world. I even decided to only speak English because I learned it was the language Americans favored to use the most.

But then we arrived in New York, and I spent the next two years a prisoner of my own home once again. Until the time came for me to start my own studies, outside the lessons I took with private tutors.

It was Father who told me. I remembered it so clearly, that day, because it was the first time he had ever spoken to me. Until then, our only interactions were the Sunday dinners we had together as a family whenever he came home, but no one was allowed to speak at.

Father had gently explained to me how I was born to become everything my brother needed. How the purpose for my existence was to live in service to him. How I must become the pillar to the empire he would one day rule.

Then he asked me what scared me the most. I had readily answered him.

Darkness and being alone.

Even now, I feared these two things the most. My mind became overwhelmed when I couldn't see, and I couldn't bear being anywhere by myself for too long.

After my first week of school, in the middle of our regular Sunday dinner, Father told me I was to begin lessons with him from henceforth.

I was so excited. School had been such an incredible adventure and I couldn't wait to learn from Father like Jude.

When he brought me down to the tunnels beneath the mansion, even though it was dark, I wasn't scared because Father was there. Until he wasn't.

He'd shown me the cell he said now belonged to me and told me to get in. Then he closed the door and bid me goodnight.

Lost in a Reverie 18+ Only (Book 1 of Lastor Series) ['23/'24 EDIT]Where stories live. Discover now