Chapter 36

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My phone started ringing as I drove and I groaned, knowing it would be Jude demanding for me to get home followed by an elaborate threat.

It wasn't even midnight yet and I already passed the billboard that welcomed me to the bloody city. Couldn't he calm the fuck down for one goddamn minute?

The ringing stopped but not a second later, it rang again.

"Will you cut it out? I'm on my way," I snapped as I answered.

"Angel?" a timid voice replied. "It... It's Stella."

I settled down immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"Did I catch you on a bad time? I'm sorry. Maybe I should-"

"Stella," I bit out sharply. "Tell me what the hell is wrong."

"There's a car outside my building," she whispered, as if afraid someone would hear. "I've never seen it in the neighborhood before and you said I should call you if I notice anything out of the ordinary."

I shifted gears and sped up.

"Is there someone inside the car?"

"Yes. I noticed a man coming out of the building when I was on my way in earlier. I don't remember anyone who lived here that looked like him. I saw him get in the car."

"How long ago was that?"

"About an hour, I think."

"Did you get a good look at him?"

"Yeah, uh... he had... scars... all over his face. Really big and red ones. Like they'd been cauterized. And he was tall. Even taller than Jude, I think."

Eerie familiarty came to me as a vague image formed in my mind.

"Was he ugly?" I asked.


"Was he disgustingly ugly? Like not even his own mother could love his face."

"Uh... uhm... I... I guess?"

I cursed inwardly. I was even surer now that I knew who the ugly fuck was.

"There's a new tenant in the building," I said. "His name's Alex. He's a friend of mine. Fifth floor. Apartment D. Go there and tell him you're with me. I'm on my way."

"Should I call Jude?" she said, sounding frantic.

"No, don't. I can't have him barging in until I've taken care of things. I'll fill him in later."

"Okay. Okay. Oh my god."

"What? Sweetheart, what's happening?"

"I just saw the man get out of the car. He's walking up to the building." I heard a buzz, followed by Stella gasping. "Oh my god, it's him, isn't it? What do I do?"

"Fuck. Get off the phone and go. Now. Use the stairs. Find Alex. Fifth floor. Apartment D. I'm with Angel. Say it back. Find Alex. Fifth floor. Apartment D. I'm with Angel."

"Find Alex. Fifth floor. Apartment D. I'm with Angel," she echoed in a shaky voice.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

I cut the call and stepped my foot on the gas pedal, swerving through the road and passing the cars ahead of me as I hit full speed. I took a shortcut on Bayard Lane to avoid the congestion of traffic and cut the time by five minutes. When I reached the apartment building, I spotted the black sedan parked across the street and I immediately rushed to Stella's apartment.

Lost in a Reverie 18+ Only (Book 1 of Lastor Series) ['23/'24 EDIT]Where stories live. Discover now