Chapter 26

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The past week has been a drag. I didn't have to go to class so I barely got out when the sun was up and I only left the apartment at nightfall to tend bar.

Andrea dragged me to some Hollywood party in LA but I just spent the night stealing drinks from other people's hands before sleeping with a random guy whose name, and face, I didn't even remember, all in a desperate attempt at distraction. I ended up shoving a needle into my arm just so my mind would get quiet long enough for me to fall asleep.

I was getting worse. I didn't have anything to distract me. Even the drugs weren't working and I couldn't up my dosage anymore or I'd risk a sure death.

I couldn't place myself. My sleepless nights were wearing me down more than usual. My demons used to stay in my dreams but now, they insisted on keeping me company every waking moment, whispering ways of destruction, things that I've already known but never said out loud.

Jude's graduation was today and it was as tedious as I had expected. I wandered around the campus until I got a text from him telling me to get back to my seat in time for his speech. He glanced my way as he took the stage and I sent him a wink.

He was dressed in a black toga and an immaculately pressed under shirt with his hair slicked to the back, the structure of his face prominent under the spot light. He was the epitome of perfection, all in years of practice until it became second nature. I could copy that within the blink of an eye but only in a mere effort. I was far from being near my brother's perfection.

He began his speech, half serious and half humorous. His fellow MBA graduates along with the faculty and loved ones lending him an ear or two. He spoke with ease about the trials and hardships of his studies, the great relief of finally closing a chapter, and greater expectation of what was to come later on. He spoke without stuttering a single word, captivating his crowd and commanding attention with barely a lift of a finger.

I was faintly aware that most of the female population of my brother's elite business school swooned at each word he uttered while I just rolled my eyes at each bullshit phrase as he thanked his professors and glorified our parents, and of course, said something about being proud to have his family see him and blah-di-ba-blah-blah. I wanted to shoot myself as each second passed.

As the ceremony ended, the graduates began mingling, dragging each other for pictures. I was about to stand and go to Jude but Father placed a hand on my thigh, wordlessly bidding me to stay in my place, both literally and figuratively.

Lowering my head, I submitted to the silent command. This was a family moment. Their heir had achieved a milestone, placing him just a few steps away from reaching the goal Father had constructed for him. I was simply the right hand, the shadow. My purpose was to serve and obey my future master.

To the public eye, I may be Jude's reckless little sister and our parents' spoiled princess but in reality, I was nothing short of a slave. I had no place in their picture perfect family and the only reason I was even granted the privilege of attending this event was because Jude refused to come unless I came with him.

"Miss Lastor?" the bodyguard assigned to me for today called.

I glanced at him and he held out a bouquet of long stemmed Dahlias with varying colors, Jude's favorite flower.

"Take it to our apartment and tell Mrs. Roberts to arrange it in my brother's room," I said, looking away.

"Pardon me, but I was ordered to remain within eyesight of you at all times and to dismiss any orders that could hinder that, Ma'am," he said almost apologetically.

I gritted my teeth. "Was the order given by my Father?"

"No, but-"

"My brother?"

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