Chapter 1

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*just a note I decided to rewrite this but then gave up. Heres the first chap rewritten dont know if I'll fix the others. Sorry for this story being dumb and nonsensical but deal with it its been like 2 years. I'm rushing this so this chapteris getting cut short*

Thud thud thud

I feel the all too familiar morning rays on my face warming up a small part of my body. The mid winter breeze creeping its way through my opened window.

"Honey, its time to wake up." My mum slowly opened my bedroom door with a subtle smile. I sat up in my bed wearing a confused expression on my face.

"Why are you being so motherly?" My raspy voice croaked as I stretched my arms out with a grunt. My mother sat at my feet on the bed.

"Well its the first day of yournew job working as a maid I just thought I would make sure you're all ready." An awkward smile comes across her face.

"Look I know its weird me going to work as a maid buts really all I got right now. I've tried everything and no one will hire me. I'm just lucky you found an ad for me to apply for." I stand up and grab clothes out of my dresser.

"Well we're leaving in 15 minutes, be ready by then okay. Your bags are downstairs already." My mother gets up and leaves to let me get dressed which doesn't take me long.

'I'm really gonna be working for some rich guy. I hope he's not an old perv who just wants a young girl to play with'


I touch myself up, making sure I don't look like a dead girl walking.

I walk downstairs to see two suitcases filled with clothes and essentials. I shouldn't be working there long so I don't need much. I just need money to get into a local post graduate school.

"You all ready?" Mum asks with her car keys in hand.

"I guess. As ever as I'll ever be."


"Holy crap! Is that it." I hear my mum yell out as we drive closer to a huge estate located outside of the city.

It was almost big enough to be a mansion but still it didn't look like the kind of place people live in to shpw off to others. This house still had a humble vibe to it. Yeah it was big but it didnt have five storeys and a million rooms that never get used.

'I think I'll like it here'

We pull up in the driveway after approaching the front gate and stating why we were there.

I hesitate to get out of the car.

"Are you okay?" Mum asks me.

"I would expect to get fired by tomorrow morningso I would advise waiting for me." I laugh shyly.

"Hey, you can do this. I know you can." She placeda hand on my shoulder reassuringly and helps get my bags out of the car.

I givemy mother a small hug before I approach the big doors made of wood and glass.

Knocking on it makes a small echo through the room that was behind it which made me flinch slightly.

Someone reaches the door in a hurry.

"Hello miss, my name is Kim Seokjin. Welcome to this estate. I would assume you're Y/n?"

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