Chapter 36

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I handed Jimin the last bag and he placed it in the back of the car.

"Alright since I have to stay here with Kami you'll be alone with Yoongi. If he tries anything you have all rights to hit him and stop him, okay?" Jimin shut the back of the car and turned around, placing his hands on my shoulders. I stood there and smiled. He looked so concerned, it was only for a few days.

"Jimin I'm alright. Will you stop worrying about me you'll make me paranoid." I scoff.

I guess he doesn't feel it. I think its just me. Is it weird that I think everything is awkward between us two? He doesn't realise it, he acts like everything is the same but now I know.

I didn't love Jimin at all.

I was just so fixated on how much I refused to love Yoongi that I tricked my own self into thinking I loved Jimin... now look what I've done.

I'll talk with him when I get back. I'm sure he understands, I hope.

"If you say so. But also try to have some fun, even though you'll be there as a maid you still deserve to have a little fun." Jimin's cheeks squished up as he smiled.

"Sure thing, Jimin. You have fun too." I reply with an equally bright smile. Jimin's hands falls down and hold mine. His thumb gently caressed the back of my hand and his sweet eyes looked deep into my own. Standing there like that, it was nice, but I couldn't help but feel like I was ruining his emotions.

He'll probably yell at me when I tell him. He'll tell me I lied to him this whole time. He'd say that I used him and that I was being selfish.

"Jimin I think we should be going now." I look at the window and see Yoongi walk through one of the halls near the door.

"Oh right. Well, goodb-"

"Aish Holly get off me we can't take you, I'm sorry. You just stay here with Jimin alright. Who's my little baby?" I look over and see Yoongi holding Holly up in the air and making cute baby voices at him. He treats him like an actual child. Cute.

Yoongi noticed me staring and he put the dog down, clearing his throat.

"Everything packed already? Excellent job you two. Now Jimin you keep Kami out of trouble and don't forget about my little angel alright." Yoongi smiled brightly. Jimin nodded and slowly let go of my hand.

"Yes sir."

"And with that I think we should be off now."

I wave goodbye and sat in the car giving Jimin a big smile. Yoongi's driver got in the front seat leaving Yoongi and I sitting in the back.

"You really look better without that uniform on, maybe I should get rid of the silly outfits and settle on something more simple." Yoongi thought out loud with his hand on his chin. He turned his head to me with a smirk. "Maybe a simple dress code will do, hm?"

Yoongi really is starting to change. A small giggle came from me.

"I think that will be great, I'm getting sick of having to wear a dress all the time." I sit back in the car seat.

I thought it was great that Yoongi was loosening up a bit. Just remembering how he was when we first met, he was so childish and acted like a hormonal teenager. He treated me like a pet rather than a person but now I'm starting to understand him. Sure, he can be crazy sometimes but to me his crazy side is intriguing and makes me want to delve deeper into his personality.

I guess this is what love actually is. When you want to find out more about another person and get to know everything about them. Yoongi really is something. Something I want to be with for a long time.

I'm getting too into this, aren't I? Ugh, I haven't felt like this for a person since I was in high school. Wait no! This isn't a crush.

"Uhh Y/n? You alright baby?" Yoongi grabbed my hand and lightly squeezed it getting my attention.

"Yes, sorry."

Slowly the house came out of view and the long road to wherever we were going begun.

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