Chapter 14

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"Kami get up you have to start work." I furiously shake the sleeping girl forcing her to wake up. It was almost six in the morning and she still isn't up. She kept groaning and whining when I was trying to get her up. I have been trying to get her up for the past seven minutes so right now I wasn't going to waste time being nice.

"Get up now, you have work to do!" Finally she slowly opens her eyes and gives me a look of, what I think is disgust.

"Whatever, get out so I can change." Kami shakes my hand off her shoulder and slowly makes her way towards the bathroom down the hall.

My bedroom has a bathroom attached so I wonder why she doesn't have one either. I quickly look around her room seeing that it was a bit smaller than mine.

I get out quickly and make my way back downstairs to meet back up with Jimin. He was up on time and helped me get the daily chores done and getting them done faster. 

"You get her up?"

"Yeah but it took a while, sorry." I smile and start my next job. "Yoongi should be woken up soon but for now we should try and get some things done. Could you do the laundry while I start breakfast."

"Sure." Jimin gives me a cute smile and heads towards the laundry. I could already tell Jimin was going to be great at this job and I bet Yoongi will like him as well.


"Where's my breakfast?" Kami walked down the stairs fixing her hair. She took a long time, it was obvious by looking at the amount of makeup that was piled on her face.

"You missed it. You should have woken up earlier." Jimin walks past her and into the kitchen.

"What?! That's so unfair. Jimin could you make me something." Kami pouts and flutters her fake eyelashes. Jimin gives me a weird glance before quietly laughing.

"You need to work on your flirting more cause that was very disappointing." He gave her a serious face and I couldn't help but laugh while plating the food.

"Alright what do I need to do." Kami's face was lightly flushed in anger. I had woken her up over half an hour ago, she took so long getting dressed that it was time for me to wake Yoongi up.

"You can just bring Yoongi's breakfast to the table while I wake him up. I'll see what needs to be done after." I sigh and walk past her, but she stops me with an annoying whine.

"Why don't I wake up Yoongi." Her voice was laced with mischief. 'Oh for the love of god.' I roll my eyes and continue towards his room but I could feel her presence drifting behind me.

"Go back downstairs, our master is very busy today so I would appreciate it if you did as I told. It would be easier for the both of us." I spit at her causing her to stop behind me and I continue towards Yoongi's room. I'm aware I was extremely rude to Kami but I know she was planning something, so I just put her back in her place. Just thinking about it makes me unconsciously smirk to myself.

I slowly knock on Yoongi's door like I always did every morning. I hear no response, so I slowly creak the door open seeing him still asleep.

"Master it's time to get up." I open his curtains and turn to face him, still lying in his bed not moving apart from the steady breaths that moved his chest up and down.

"Come on you're very busy today." I lightly shake his shoulder hoping that would wake him. But despite my efforts all Yoongi did was groan in annoyance. Just great, first I had to wake up Kami and now struggle to wake Yoongi as well, this is going to be a long day.

"Let me sleep." Yoongi whined in a child like voice. He lightly rolled over to face me.

"You're kidding me, right? You and I both know you have work to get done today. Now get up you need to be ready." I sigh ripping the sheets off of his body causing him to curl up into a small ball. I ignore the fact that he was shirtless and only wearing a pair of boxers but the thought still lingered in my mind.

Yoongi quickly takes the blanket from my hand and throws it back on top of him.

"Y/n come on, I'm tired." He didn't even open his eyes while he was speaking, but the expression on his face looked annoyed.

"No master. I'm not going to play around I'm not in the mood for th-" A strong hand gripped my wrist and pulled me down so I hit the soft mattress. I gasp when I feel Yoongi wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him and I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

"If you're upset just take some time to relax." Yoongi whispers close to my ear making me shiver slightly.

"Master you hav-" I was cut off once more by him shushing me.

"I'm taking the day off, I don't feel really well." I feel his face nuzzle into my shoulder and he slowly falls asleep, again. I try getting out of his grip but that only resulted in him tightening his grip around me. 'shit I'm really stuck now. I need to get out.'

After some time, it is clear to me that I won't be getting out of this situation until he wakes up. With nothing else to get I feel my eyelids slowly fall, I didn't realise how tired I have gotten. I was awake all night just thinking about everything. Thinking about how living here has changed me, made me more obedient in some sort of way. Other sorts of weird thoughts and ideas. I pause my thoughts not wanting to repeat what I got stuck into last night. I stare up at the ceiling before my eyes finally close without me realising.

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