Chapter 20

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"Could everyone come down here for a second!" Yoongi's voice echoed through the halls. Jimin quickly grabbed my arm and lifted me up from the floor.

"I-I should get dressed. Tell Yoongi I'll be down soon." Jimin looked away trying to hide his clearly embarrassed look. I nod and hurry down to the  main floor.

"Master I just tried getting Jimin but he said he was going to be down in a second." I bow now standing in front of Yoongi and his father. Kami slowly walks in shortly after and eventually so does Jimin. He didn't look at me the whole time, not properly anyway.

"See I told you they were fine. Everything is okay you can leave now." Yoongi tried pushing his father to the door but he stepped ahead of Yoongi looking dead at me.

"Y/n dear, could I have a small chat with you?" A small smile graced his lips. I freeze awkwardly. Before I could say anything Yoongi had stepped in front of me, blocking me from his fathers view.

"No. Absolutely not." Yoongi's voice was cold and demanding.

"Why are you worrying. You're going to be there too of course, we just need a bit of privacy." His father chuckled. Yoongi gave him a suspicious look, raising an eyebrow.

"Lets go to my office, this better be quick or I'll be late." Yoongi wrapped his arm around my shoulder and the other in his pocket, guiding me upstairs with his father following behind. 

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Yoongi sat next to be on the small couch and his dad sat opposite us in a small chair.

"I don't really want to speak with you Yoongi. I just want to talk with Y/n." He turns so me ignoring Yoongi. "So Y/n, dear. Has my son tired anything on you. I know what he's like so I wouldn't be surprised if you said he did." His father smiled as if he had just told a joke, but after theses words I froze.

'What do I say? Sure he's done a lot of stuff to me but at the end of the day it was with my consent one way or another.' My mind becomes numb at these thoughts trying to figure something out I didn't even realise that both of them were staring at me. Yoongi's eyes searched my face with an almost confused expression.

"Of course I haven't. I've never forced myself on anyone and even if I tried they would probably hit me." His voice raised as he look directly at his father.

"Shut up Yoongi. I came to hear what she had to say because you're probably lying." His father also raised his voice and to be honest it made me slightly afraid. "Ive seen the way you look at Y/n, even the way you treat her. Look me straight in the eye and tell me you have not toyed with this young lady!"

"The hell would you know old man! You barely come around and whenever you do you always scold me for something. So what if I have had sex with Y/n? What does it have to do with you. Why the hell do you care anyway." Yoongi yelled standing from the couch, his hands balling into fists.

"Yoongi you have to understand that doing those sorts of things is not good especially to your maid. I may not know what goes on between you two but I am certain there is something you're not telling me. I trust Y/n to tell me the truth, probably the only reason you keep her around is because she's so obedient." He scoffed looking at me once more, as if he was trying to get the answer he wanted. I tried speaking but I was cut off my Yoongi.

"You think of her like she's some kind of slut, right? You think I keep her here because she wants to be a sex slave. Y-You're wrong. Y/n would never do that with her body. I don't care if she hates me for teasing her or that I may act different with her. Y/n's probably getting sick of it. She's staying here. Not as a toy for me to play with. Now get the hell out of my house." Yoongi's voice was now low. His head faced the ground and I swear I could see him staring to cry.

I start walking to the door but Yoongi grabbed my arm.


I see his father leave slowly. Yoongi doesn't let go of my arm.

"I wasn't going to say anything bad." I reassure him.

Yoongi looks up. I was correct, he was crying. He looks into my eyes before pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry. You didn't have to hear that." Yoongi slowly stroked my hair and light sobs broke through his sentence. I felt his body shake along with his breathing. And to think, what was such a strong rage filled person seconds ago is practically melting or should I say breaking in front of me. Quietly sobbing into my neck holding me to close I couldn't move. "Please don't think I'm an asshole for toying with you. I just thought it was fun and I-I'm so sorry if I hurt you. If I ever hurt you I want you to stop me. I-I don't want to hurt you trust me I can just get so overtaken by my feelings that I act on my own." Yoongi was no longer sobbing, he was bawling his eyes out.

It was so new seeing someone act like this. Shedding actual tears in fear of hurting me when he did nothing wrong. My heart sank seeing and hearing him like this.

"Master you did nothing wrong. I've gotten use to you since that first time. The worst you've done was probably the other day when you were about to go too far." I murmur into his shirt. "Y-You should start getting ready for work."

"Yeah, sorry Y/n."Yoongi hesitantly lets me go, resting his hands on my shoulder. His eyes were bright red and his breathing still hasn't gotten back to it's normal pace. He looked at me for so long I started wondering what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?" I tilt my head. Without another thought Yoongi brings me close again and kisses me lightly. I almost stumble back in shock. His lips danced over mine as I tried to do the same. He pulls away shortly looking back into my eyes.

"Thank you, Y/n."

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