Chapter 30

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* lil note. Im rereading this and I'm cringing so much i thank everyone who liked this WERID random time for my writing*
"Yoongi please!" I screamed as he walked towards the door. He stopped and turned around. Looking at me, the red marks all over my body still on wearing a shirt only pants.

"Hmm? What's this, is my little pup going to beg now?" I hear his smug laughter ring through my ears along with his footsteps coming closer. Yoongi picked up the chain from the floor and tugged it and causing me to hit the bars of the cage. 

"No no no little one, you're not getting out that easy~" He brought his face closer to mine. I looked up seeing a huge smirk on his face as he looked down at me.

"Why are you suddenly like this?" I glared at him with tired eyes.

"Because Y/n, you agreed to obey my every command~ But you didn't. You seem to refuse every opportunity to admit that you belong to me. Why is that kitty?" Yoongi gripped the chain tight.

"Because I had no idea what you were capable of~" I hiss from the pain of the tight collar around my neck. I was starting to have difficulty breathing as I stared into his dark gaze.

"That's right~ but you still have a lot to learn don't you?" He dropped the leash and stood up. I gasped for breath and fell to the ground. "I guess you don't have it in you to behave right now so I guess we can continue this in the morning. Maybe then you will have learned your lesson. "

"No! Please don't leave me here..." I grip the cold bars of the cage, begging him to let me out.

"Oh so now you're begging for forgiveness again, sorry baby but that's not how it works~"


{Yoongi's pov}

I closed the door slowly, a small bit of guilt residing inside me.

Now it's time to sort out the other part of this problem, what Namjoon was doing with Y/n.

I got back upstairs, casually walking through the halls of the now silent house. her screams and moan echoed in my mind, it wasn't uncomfortable or making me feel guilty, it was more satisfying and intriguing if anything.

I smile to myself at the thought, seeing Y/n being so disobedient just set me off and made me excited. Her face while I was punishing her I just can't seem to get it out of my head.

"Uh young master are you alright?" I jump up feeling a hand on my shoulder. Jimin was standing in front of me looking tired. 

"Yes I'm fine, what are you doing up so late, Jimin?" I continue to look at him, intrigued to hear his answer.

"Well I heard a few yells from downstairs so I was just checking it out. But why were you just standing in the middle of the hall?"

"I was just thinking. Actually I was just down there for the same reason. Seems like Holly found his way into the basement and started making mess with the extra food you two got for him today. I went ahead and cleaned it up so it wouldn't be sitting there over night." I sighed trying to make my lie more believable. It worked obviously.

"Oh thanks but you didn't have to do that, Y/n was probably awake so you could have just gotten her to clean up." Jimin smiled when he said her name.

"yes I know that but I am more than capable of cleaning up after my own dog. You should get to sleep now Jimin, I'm sorry to say this but you and Kami have to do a few errands around town for me tomorrow." I look down and continue to walk towards my room.

"Okay that's fine. You get some sleep now, young master." I hear Jimin's footsteps fade away followed by a closing door.

"Hmm wonder what would happen if he saw Y/n right now..." A playful smirk made its way on my face and I couldn't stop it. 'Mmm~ so innocent.'  the thought went through my mind as I closed my door.

"I'll call Namjoon in the morning.." I mutter and get changed.

I would think that Namjoon would get the message if I talk about her all the time, especially the way I talk about her. I make it obvious that she is mine so why does he think it it okay to approach her like that, the way Jimin described it, it seemed like Namjoon was hitting on her.

Well I'll teach Y/n how to properly respond to those situation or she'll just have to learn the hard way.

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