Chapter 16

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"Hello? Who's this?" I hear a deep yet bright voice from the other end of the call.

"Uh- I'm sorry to have to say this, I'm Yoongi's maid. Yoongi isn't going to come into work today, he's not feeling very well." I say lowly into the phone that was in Yoongi's office.

"Oh~ you must be Y/n, correct? Well I'm Kim Taehyung. Yoongi's personal assistant." My eyes widen at this strangers question. He is Yoongi's personal assistant, so that would mean that Yoongi must have said something about me. But why would Yoongi talk about me to his assistant.

"Y-Yes, how do you know who I am?"

"Yoongi's talks about you sometimes, he seems to do it unconsciously too." Taehyung zones out before quickly coming back to conversation. "But if he's not going to be coming in today I'm going to have to do his work. And reschedule the meetings." He sighed into the phone.

"I'm truly sorry about this. I tried convincing him to go but he just wouldn't listen." I pout to myself. Taehyung chuckles at my words.

"He is very stubborn. Well I have to get started with all this work. Thank you for telling me Y/n."

"You're welcome." I say with a smile and hang up. I walk over to Yoongi's desk and sort a few of the documents laid out on the table. "Yoongi don't you dare." I turn around quickly to see Yoongi standing a couple metres away from me. He was obviously trying to sneak up on me. but thankfully I could hear his footsteps on the wooden flooring.

"Oh no, you caught me." Yoongi laughed resting his elbow on one of his filing cabinets.

"Don't try to sneak up on me like that." I place the last files on his desk and head for the door. Walking past Yoongi, I feel his hands take hold of my waist like a magnet. This sudden feeling sends chills through my body and I immediately grab his wrists to lets go.

"I thought girls liked to be caught off guard." Yoongi cooed staring into my eyes. I saw him softly bite his bottom lip as he pulled me closer.

"Can you not be so touchy." I groan and push him away.

"Come on, I just had a great idea." He hums with a cute smile. I look at him, eyebrows raised. "Have you ever thought about doing it in an office?" Yoongi's hands move to my shoulders and he licks his lips sensually.

"Can you stop being so horny all the time. It's annoying." I slowly push his chest and walk out the door.

"Whatever. You're missing out, baby girl." Yoongi lightly hits my butt causing me to yelp in surprise. I give him a dark glare as I continue down the hall.

I can't help but feel somewhat proud that I didn't fall for another one of his tricks like I usually do. I have to be stronger and less vulnerable around Yoongi.

'Why does he always try that stuff with me? He's got Kami now and she's probably more than happy to sleep with him.' I argue in my head but my thoughts are soon silenced when a painful yell comes from the main floor.

"What the hell is your problem?!"

Jimin's voice carries through the house making me automatically run down to where the sound was coming from. I hear hurried footsteps behind me, assuming it was Yoongi.

"Jimin what's going on?" I ask almost out of breath. My eyes soon focus on the scene in front of me.

Kami was standing in front of Jimin, a small pot in her hands. Jimin was by the kitchen sink, his eyes wide and a pained expression on his face. I look around seeing steaming water everywhere and eventually seeing Jimin covered in water.

"Jimin!" My eyes widen when I realise that he had been soaked in boiling hot water. I take his arm and get him to sit down quickly, I run to get ice from the freezer.

"What's happening?" Yoongi comes into the kitchen, witnessing the scene in front of him. Kami hasn't moved she just looks down, mouth slightly agape and the pot of water still in hand.

"I-I was trying to-"

"I tried getting Kami to help me clean the kitchen but she wanted to make breakfast for herself." Jimin winces when I place ice on his chest. I had taken off his shirt so I could take care of the burning. His skin was bright red and and small blisters were starting to form on the light skin on his toned chest and torso.

"Kami what were you thinking." Yoongi scolds Kami. Finally he's taking action, but seeing this side of him is weird. He's worrying about someone other than himself. It makes me happy knowing he's not as self centered as I thought.

"Master please excuse us. I'll try to cool down Jimin's wounds upstairs." I bow to Yoongi and take Jimin's arm. He goes along with me, hurrying to the bathroom as he held an ice bag to his chest.

"Thank you Y/n." Jimin's small voice was hear behind me. He still sounded hurt, his voice was low and deep.

I smile at him, my eyes forming crescent shapes. "Lets get you healed first before you thank anyone."

I rush him to the bathroom sitting him on the edge of the bathtub. I kneel to his side and grab some cream and cotton wool from the cabinets. I lightly spread the medication on his chest, trying not to think about how his smooth skin feels or the fact that I was touching Jimin's toned abs.

He winced as the cream began to sting the scorch mark on his torso.

"Did you get burnt anywhere else." I look around his body trying to see anything.

"No I don't think so." Jimin murmured. I grab some bandages from the counter. I begin wrapping them around his chest. "Thank you again. Kami was being a brat. Not listening like always. She ran into me with the hot water and it went everywhere. How the hell did she get this job."

"She just thinks that cause she's a maid she should be sexy and flirty all the time. It's ridiculous." I scoff. Jimin laughs deeply at my words.

I could feel his eyes glaring softly at me, much like Yoongi did. Through the corner of my eye I see his look over my facial features, his eyes wondering from my eyes to my lips.

I finish wrapping the bandages and start packing the items away where they belonged.

"Just get some rest for now. I'll try to convince Yoongi to let you see a doctor tomorrow. I'll take care of everything." I say with a smile. Jimin's hand grabbed my wrist before I exited.

"Thank you, again. I'm glad you're here." I catch his weak smile and voice in my gaze. My chest oddly heats up seeing his smile. It was obvious that he was still in a lot of pain but the fact that he put on a thankful smile just for me made me incredibly happy.

"Do you need help walking?" I ask knowing that he probably would. Jimin slowly nods holding out his arm shyly.

I pull his arm up slinging it around my neck to support him as we walked to his room.

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