Chapter 19

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Okay since I know I have been slacking lately here's a very special chapter dedicated to  @Shoujobunny because they have been so helpful recently so I'd feel bad not doing something special. Also keep reading for a small announcement if you care to read.

"Y/n where were you? I tried looking in your room but you weren't there last night." Yoongi stopped me in the laundry. I had begun doing the washing when he casually walked down to meet me on my way up.

"Jimin took me to his room because he couldn't carry me any further. Did you need something?"

"No I just wanted to check up on you. I mean you did faint. Did I work you too hard?" His face lowered and his voice came to a low sigh. Yoongi's grey hair was still messy but he wore a stylish navy blue dress shirt and a pair of dress pants.

"N-No master you didn't. I just wanted everything to get done and I might have gotten carried away." I look to the ground knowing Yoongi had a worried expression on his face.

"You could've spent the night with me you know. I only told Jimin to look after you not sleep with you." Yoongi's voice suddenly changed into a half growl. To be honest, I liked that tone of voice especially with him. I don't know why but it makes me feel all weird whenever he speaks like that.

"I know but I-"

"Y/n I'm pretty sure you know that it clearly states in our contract that you must obey my orders. I'm going to tell you this now, you are mine. Not Jimin's. The only reason he is here is because I didn't want you to have so much work to do. I didn't decide to hire him so you can play around with him, okay. It's my job to give orders and yours to obey so you better behave or I'll have no choice but to punish you." His voice was close to a whisper and his lips came closer to my ear making me gulp.

"I want you all to myself. You're too pure to be playing around him. I don't trust Jimin, he's too nice to you, I'm afraid he might be falling for you." I catch his gaze in the corner of my eye. It was dark and intense with a big smirk on his face. He leaned his face closer to mine so he wasn't talking into my ear. Yoongi stared right into my eyes as I stay silent backing away.

I don't know why I always back away in these situations because it always ends badly. But like most other times, I get cornered against a wall.

"I'm sorry but you're the one always tryi-"

"Y/n I would consider you precious to me. I wouldn't lie to you unless absolutely necessary, so right now I'm telling the truth. It's not because you're cute and incredibly sexy, you're-" He bit his bottom lip, stopping in the middle of his sentence.

"Yoongi please, this is too much."

"That's the face I was looking for, it gets me so turned on." Yoongi was quick to grab hold of my wrists and pin them above my head in one quick motion. I gasp staring right at him, feeling his leg go between mine. My body heats up with the wrong emotions as the thoughts in my mind get dirtier and dirtier.

"M-Master..." I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding. Yoongi's hand grazes my cheek, his finger lightly traced over my lips and he stared down at them almost as if he was in some kind of trance. A smirked crept back onto his lips.

"Don't tempt me missy. You'll get punished for teasing me." Yoongi pats my head and fixes his posture. He gave me a wink and started walking back upstairs.

"But you're the one always teasing me!" I yell knowing he probably couldn't hear me. 'That cheeky little runt!'

I want to slap myself out of these feelings.

'He's out of my league. He's my boss for gods sake. He's just being a tease like a lot of guys do. He has absolutely no feelings for me.' I shower myself with these thoughts trying to get back to reality.

I lean against the wall. 'Just get back to work and everything will be fine.'

I take a deep breath and get back to the task I was originally doing. Going back upstairs I could hear faint voices. I reach the main floor and see Yoongi and his father talking to one another.

"Hello sir." I bow and continue towards the bathroom upstairs. It had been a while since I cleaned it so I guessed I might as well started with it. I'm pretty sure Jimin was outside fixing some things in the garden and Kami was probably cleaning the main floor seeing as that's just about the one thing she does.

I open the door but freeze at the sight.

"Y-Y/n!" Jimin stood in front of the mirror, a towel lightly draped around his waist showing off a bit of *cough* a certain area.... Water dripped down from his hair onto his chest. Jimin quickly got hold of his towel and fixed it so it was actually staying on his waist.

"I'm so sorry I should have knocked." I turn around trying to run but my dress got stuck on the door handle. I trip and fall on my back and a small yelp escaped my throat.

My eyes widen in shock from the fall. I didn't realise where I was until I looked up.

Obviously Jimin tried to catch me before I fell, but he didn't succeed. Hence why he was standing above me and how I was looking right up his towel right now.

My face turned bright red and I closed my eyes tight not wanting to see anymore of what I already saw (Jimin's chili pepper).

"Oh god Y/n are you alright." Jimin moves away from me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say in the calmest tone I could do as my eyes were still closed tightly. "I was my fault anyway." I reach my hand up trying to find his to help me up, but of course nothing good happens to me, I always have to pull the short straw.

"Um- Y/n could you open your eyes." Jimin's small nervous voice made me open my eyes seeing that my hand was obviously not touching his hand. His hands were actually holding up his towel because I had somehow grabbed onto Jimin's member.

I screech and kick myself back, hitting my head on the sink in the process.

"Jimin I'm so so so so so sorry!" I close my eyes again in fear that I would see something.

|To be continued|

^ I just added the to be continued because I know a bunch of people will get annoyed so I'm sorry^

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