Chapter 11

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It's been a couple of days since I have started doing all the work around the house. I've been doing it well so after a while it just became a normal thing that didn't seem like a job, more like an average routine. Yoongi was obviously being the little perv he is and trying to seduce me like usual, but sometimes I drop my guard when I'm around him and he gets really close. I doubt I had a crush on him, because he was my boss it was a clear rule that I wasn't to have any for of romantic relationship with him, but he may think otherwise, but I can't lie and say he's not attractive because he was. Really attractive.

Yoongi probably knows that and uses it to his advantage but thankfully he has been busy recently, keeping him away from me during the day.

"Y/n!" Yoongi called from his bedroom. I quickly rush up the stairs also trying to straighten my uniform out a bit so it wasn't too high up.

"Yes?" I don't bother knocking on the door because there is no one else in the house except for us two.

"Which suit should I wear to my meeting tomorrow?" Yoongi held two suits up in front of him. One suit had a plain black jacket and a black and white spotted tie. The other had a light grey coloured jacket with a bit more attraction to it, there was no tie with it but for some reason it caught my eye.

"That one would look good." I point to the grey suit in his right hand. Yoongi nodded and walked towards his walk in wardrobe.

"Don't go anywhere." He poked his head out from the door. I nod and look around the room.

"Y/n?" I feel a light tap on my shoulder making me jump. I was focused on a small plush sitting on his dresser. I recognised the character from when I was younger, he had always been my favourite.

"Kumamon, huh?" I smile turning around holding the toy in my hand.

"S-Shut up! I'm allowed to have my own personal things." He grabs it from my grasp placing it back down and I can't help a small giggle escape my lips as I see his lightly blushing face. "Anyway. How does this look?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow at me waiting for my response.

I look him up and down but my eyes stop at one certain spot. His crotch. The pants were a bit ...tight around there so I could see almost everything. Everything being....the outline of his member.

"What's wrong." I shoot my gaze back up to his eyes making it look like I wasn't staring. "is something wrong with the suit?"

"N-Nothing, it looks fine, really. Just a little tight." I almost choke when I mentioned how tight the pants were. I stare up at the wall behind Yoongi hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Tight? How so." A faint smirk ghosted his lips.

"Just uhh." I stutter trying to find the right words to say.

"You mean here." Yoongi points to where I was looking and I blush even more than I was previously.

"Mhm." I hum, nodding with my eyes closed.

"Why are you being so weird, you were looking there in the first place."

"N-No I wasn't." I open my eyes seeing Yoongi inches from my face.

"But you were. Don't lie." He whispered in a low voice. Yoongi's warm breath hits my neck causing a shiver to go down my spine.

"Master I'm-"

"Do you know why I have that toy sitting on my dresser, Y/n?" Yoongi looks deep into my eyes but he knows I won't answer. "It's because once they see it, it gives me the opportunity to show them my other collection of toys~"

After hearing those words I knew exactly what he meant and I didn't want him to show me. My face heats up and my mind wonders towards extremely lewd thoughts. Just thinking of what he could do to me, it makes me-

"Gaahhhh!!" I fall backwards hitting the ground. "I-I'm so sor-rry, Master." I stumble to my feet and try to run out of the room. A hand grabs my arm, turning me around and slams me against the closed door.

"You always make it so hard for me, Y/n." Yoongi whispers harshly, his lips almost touching mine. "Most girls would do anything to be with a guy as rich and good looking as me, but you. You're playing hard to get, almost as if you want to get it." He purred close to my ear. My hand was pinned behind my back and he had me pressed against the only exit.

"Yoongi let me go." I stare down avoiding his strong gaze.

"Y/n you're lucky I'm not getting mad at you for using my name. If anything it sounds sexier coming from you." Yoongi's low voice sends heat to my core.

"I just-" My sentence was cut, feeling Yoongi's soft lips collide with mine. It wasn't rough like he had been previously, it felt more soft and lovable. Yoongi moved his lips against mine occasionally biting my bottom lip. I tried my best to sync my lips with his but he was too good.

"Mmh." My soft moan melted into the kiss.

Yoongi broke away from me, smirking at my confused face when he looks down. His head dipped down to my neck, littering my neck with light kisses and lightly sucking my sensitive skin. I bit my bottom lip hard as to not whimper.

Yoongi tugs my hand from behind my back bringing it forward to him. He placed my hand over his pants, pushing it down so I could feel him bulging through his pants.

I gasp when he moves my hand over his clothed member so I was rubbing it slightly. A small groan came from Yoongi as he moved my hand faster, his breath getting faster.

He stopped his actions and picked me up, throwing me on his soft bed. Yoongi's hand travels up my dress tugging my panties down to my knees. Yoongi continues kissing me deeply.

A loud noise interrupts the two of us. The echoing knocks from the front door were loud and had slightly surprised me.

"Damn it. They're here."


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages I had personal stuff going on and I was going to add a cute little Christmas bonus chapter but I can't now. Sorry again, I'll have more chapter soon probably in the next week and I have a few other stories to work on so please forgive me


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