Chapter 29

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"Yoongi- ow!" Yoongi gripped my arm, pulling me outside the room. "Yoongi stop this what are you doing?" I drag my feet in hopes to slow whatever he was doing down.

He stopped and turned to me. A small gasp left my lips when I saw his gaze. Dark and overtaken by lust.

"I told you, I have to teach you the proper manners a good little kitten should have." Yoongi smirked and pulled me closer. He took his neck tie from his pocket and tied it around my head, covering my eyes.

"Stop this right now Yoongi. I-I mean it." I grabbed his arm trying to get it off me, Yoongi won't let go. He tugged my arm and I almost tripped while following him.

I hear a door open then Yoongi held my hands.

"Now watch your step baby~" I feel a warm wave hit my neck making me jump back into the door. "Aww are you scared? Here I'll help you." Yoongi started pulling my arms down making me take a step. I expected the flat ground to be underneath me but my foot seemed to go further than that. This continued and I realised, these are stairs.

"Yoongi where are we? Where are we going?" He lets me go for a bit. I hear Yoongi's footsteps echo behind me.

"You'll see~" I hear yet another door open. A cold draft made me shiver. I kept my hands in front of me because Yoongi was previously holding them and I was afraid of what would happen if I moved.

My back gets pushed and I trip into the unknown room, still unable to see.

I head gets pulled up from the ground and I feel Yoongi's hand untie the necktie from my head. the blindfold slowly falls and I can only see Yoongi, squatting next to me and looking down at my body.

I wasn't wearing my uniform. I was wearing a pair of pajama shorts and a long sleeve shirt. The ground was cold and I tried to get up but Yoongi pushed me down.

"Na-uh~ You stay right there. Daddy's going to get something special for you." Yoongi moved and the room became more clear. My eyes widen and I sit up so I wasn't laying on the ground.

This was the room from the other day, the one Jimin and I found.

Now that it was somewhat lightened up I could see more. Even though there was only dim lighting I was still able to see what was hidden in this room.

Shelves, drawers, wall hangers, chains along the walls and ceiling. A bed, chairs and a couch were also in the room. Basically whatever you could imagine that was kinky, it was in this very room.

The walls were dark with very few lights around the place but just enough to see.

"Yoongi..." I see him rummaging through a few drawers and searching some tables.

"Hold on babygirl, I'll only be a second~" The sound of metal hit my ears. I slowly back away towards the door. "Don't even think about it." A strong grip on my shoulder made me freeze in my spot. Yoongi picked me up by the arms and dragged me back. Yoongi lifted my body and placed me on one of the chairs.

There was a pair of handcuffs in has hand and he immediately took them and cuffed me to the chair along with my ankles.

"W-What? Please tell me this is a joke. Come on I'm just dreaming." I wiggle around only to hear him laugh at my attempt.

A big smirk crept its way onto his face. Yoongi grabbed hold of my face bringing me closer to his face.

"Aww poor baby, you're so confused. Let me explain, you need to learn that you belong to me. Whether I am in your presence or not I have to make it clear that no one else can treat you the way I do. Since you refuse to listen to me I have to teach you to listen."

My eyes start shaking and I try moving my face from his grip. It didn't work and he held it tighter.

"I have a feeling you won't need this~" Yoongi reached to get a pair of scissors from the table beside me. With them he teared a huge hole into my shirt. I squeal when he rips the rest of the shirt with his hands.

"Yoongi!" I try moving but I can't. I feel him tie something around my head and place it in my mouth, a piece of cloth. I bite down on it as I try to rip it obviously not doing anything.

"Tsk tsk... I need to teach little kitten some manners." Yoongi spins a whip in his hands staring down at my cleavage from my bra.

He raised his hand and hit me hard on the chest. I scream in pain, my voice is muffled by the cloth gag. Yoongi continues with the strikes all over my body, my thighs, legs, arms and stomach.

Tears streamed down my face as I tried to catch my breathe. Yoongi untied the gag and lightly stroked my hair, he looked deep into my eyes with a playful smile.

"Now tell me, who do you belong to?" Yoongi leaned close to my ear making sure I heard every syllable. I refused to answer. I looked away from him, my face tinted pink. "Y/n answer me!" Yoongi growled in my face.

I looked down knowing I should answer him but something inside me told me not to.

Yoongi sighed and backed away. He unlocked the hand cuffs but before I could even stand he pushed me to the ground. He sat on top of me while he wrapped something around my neck, a collar. My body was too exhausted to fight or resist so he dragged me to one of the corners where I saw a small cage, much like that of a dogs, opened.

Yoongi pushed me inside, closed the door and locked it. He wrapped the chain of the collar around his hand and pulled me towards the cold bars.

"This is what happens to naughty pets that don't listen to their owners. Now you're going to stay in here until I hear you beg like the good little pup you are, understand." He declared saying the last part between clenched teeth.

"Y-Yoongi, what happened to you.." I can barely speak, my voice is cracked from screaming and my eyes cannot stay open.

"This is just how daddy is when he doesn't get what he wants from his little slave~ and to think I was going to reward you."

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