Chapter 33

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Everything was back to normal. Jimin and I worked hard in the house and did any other errands Yoongi wanted us to do and Kami was strangely quiet and did most of her work as well.

Yoongi had been working in the office a bit more as well but he still took days off to work at home, I guess he realised he needed to do less slacking off and work. He always checked up on me as well, it's like his personality has changed.

"Y/n can I speak to you for a bit." Yoongi pulled me to the side of the hallway.

"Of course. What is it?"

"Last night Kami informed me of something she saw the other day, to be honest I was quite surprised," Yoongi glared down at me with his dark eyes almost piercing through me.

"What are you talking about?" I try not to sound intimidated. I had no clue what he was on about, and what does Kami have to say to Yoongi?

"She said that she walked passed your room and saw you and Jimin kissing. Of course I told her that I would handle it but I'm still figuring out how to properly do that. Now Y/n look at me and tell me it didn't happen." Yoongi held my cheek with his hand and brought my face closer.

I stay quiet not knowing what to say. I don't know what Kami was hoping to get out of this but I knew I wasn't going to get a good result.

"Y/n tell me. Tell me what happened." Yoongi's eyes peered deep into mine hoping for an answer, anything.

"H-He kissed me."

"Y/n did you not learn anything? I at least hoped you would understand my feelings Y/n, I want you all to myself and I don't want to get rid of anyone who may interfere with that. You get it right? I love you so so much, I don't want to see you hurt." I lightly chuckled in my head, this coming from the man who locked me in a cage for the night. But something in the way he spoke made my heart skip a beat.

"Yoongi do you actually love me?" Yoongi froze. His eyes never left mine.

I feel him pull me close. His arms wrapped around my body quickly.

"Yes. I have for a long time. I'm sorry. So so sorry for everything I did to you. I didn't realise exactly how I felt for you until recently." Yoongi's voice started to quiver. "You aren't like the others, every time I wanted to open up to them they called me weak. They only wanted me for lust and greed. I guess i just got sick of it and did everything to you out of lust instead of thinking about you."

His words hit a nerve inside me. Suddenly my eyes pooled with water and slowly the tears streamed down my face as I silently sobbed.

My heart was pounding. What was this? Was he telling the truth?

I didn't know how to react. I have no idea if I was happy or shocked at the fact that he genuinely cares about me.

But do I love him back...?


Thank you for being patient I know it has been a long wait, especially for such a short chapter but hopefully the next will be better. I would really appreciate if you go check out the book titled 'Random book about sugakookie' I wrote an apology about my absence and a small issue I have been having with this book and some other things as well so i advise you go check that out so I don't have to write another authors note in this book.

Thank you so much for reading this~ Sugakookie

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