Chapter 8

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|Jin's Pov|

"What the hell did I tell you!" Slamming my hand on Yoongi's desk in nothing but pure anger. My eyes narrowed as I stared at him, he didn't even look phased about the situation. "I made it extremely clear that if you hurt her physically or emotionally I would not let it slide." I raised my voice clenching my fists.

"And why do you care." Yoongi muttered with a weird smirk.

"Because she only came here to work just like me, Y/n didn't come here just to be your personal slut." I held back from picking him up from his collar but just barely. I wasn't behaving the way I would when I served him, this time I was acting as his friend.

"You can't tell me what to do. I'll do anything I want with Y/n, besides she hasn't objected to anything I've done to her so technically I'm not in the wrong." Yoongi stood so he was at eye level with me, the cocky expression on his face made me want to slap it right off. "Is it just me or does someone have a crush."

"She's not objecting because you keep lulling her into a false sense of security with your empty words. You don't care at all about anyone else's feelings but your own." I keep my deadly gaze in his direction.

"You should be glad that I hired her, she's making things quite interesting." Yoongi chuckles standing up and walking towards the door.

"You think playing with peoples feelings is a game. You're just a spoiled brat Min Yoongi!" I yell as he closes the door to his office. I sigh in frustration and threw a folder across the room sending paper flying all over the room.

|Your Pov|

"Mum I'm doing fine." I sigh into my phone leaning on the wall trying to straighten out my uniform.

"I'm glad to hear that, I thought you would hate it because of all the housework but I guess I was wrong." She laughed to herself and I just rolled my eyes.

"Well I wouldn't be here if you didn't go behind my back and apply without my permission." I grit my teeth gripping my phone tighter.

"Don't be like that. Why don't you be grateful for once in your life you've never once done anything that I tell you to d-" I hang up to avoid hearing her nagging again. She's always like this but she never takes into account that I am twenty two years old and can make my own decisions. Plus she was hardly with me when I was a child so I had to do everything by myself because she was rarely home.

I sigh in annoyance sliding down the wall looking around my bedroom. Nothing special, a bed, a bookshelf with a few book on it, an average sized television and one or two paintings on the walls.

I bring my knees to my chest resting my head on my knees. It's always so quiet here.

"I wonder what Jin's doing." I slowly get to my feet throwing my phone on my bed before leaving the room.

"Y/n I was just looking for you." I lift my head seeing Yoongi in front of me with a sly smirk on his face.

"Hello master, you wouldn't know where Jin is by any chance." I step back from him. Yoongi walked closer to me until I hit the wall and he was only inches away from me.

"Don't worry about him right now, he's running an errand for me." Yoongi whispered.

"Can you please step back." I try to push past him but he grabs my wrist pulling me back. His hands rested on my waist pulling me closer to his body. My back was pressed against his chest making me feel his heartbeat.

"I know you're still mad at me for before but let me make up for it." Yoongi purred in my ear so I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Yoongi!" My body tenses up at the sudden shout. Looking up I see Jin, his eyebrows furrowed and he wore a look of rage.

"Sorry baby looks like fun time is over." Yoongi places a gentle kiss on my cheek before letting me go. Jin quickly runs up to me pushing me away from Yoongi and standing in front of me. He gives Yoongi one last glare before taking my wrists and pulling me towards my room.

"Jin what's going on, why did you bring me to my room?" Jin closed the door and let out a frustrated sigh pushing his hand through his hair.

"Y/n please forgive me. I'm just looking out for you so you don't get hurt." Jin spoke with a ow voice and look at me with sorry eyes.

"It's okay you're just worried and I thank you for that." I smile at him showing him that he didn't have to worry. I hear a small ding come from Jin body and he instantly reached for his phone in his back pocket but I know he regretted it when a heavy sigh fell from his lips.

"Yoongi needs to speak with me. Please just stay here for the time being, wait at least ten minutes then you can come out. Okay?" He placed his hand on my shoulder, smiling at me with the kindest expression. I slowly nod watching him walk out of the room.

. . . . .

Ten minutes go by but it seemed like forever. I don't know why but I was desperate to figure out why I had to wait. Almost immediately I left my room. As I waled around I heard a few muffed voices so I followed them downstairs.

I get to the foyer and see Yoongi with his back facing me and standing in front of him was Jin at the door, two suitcases in both of his hands.

"W-What's going on?" Yoongi turns to face me and so does Jin.

"Y/n" They both say in unison.

"I'm sorry, I have to leave because of family issues." Jin frowned at me making his usually handsome face look sad and depressed. "Oh Yoongi I warned you, now look what you've done. You've ruined a friendship and I hope you don't ruin her." He pointed directly at Yoongi while he said that before walking out the door and closing it.


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