Chapter 26 + Birthday chapter

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(This chapter is technically filler but it still continues to the story and also I wanted to do this for Yoongi's birthday since I didn't do a valentines day chapter)

"Did you get the cake?"

"Yes I did."

"Are you sure he'll like it I mean he might not even-"

"Kami shut up! I was the only one that remembered Yoongi's birthday and got all this stuff ready without your help so just shut it." I yell in exhaustion.

After running around town getting a cake and an appropriate gift, I finally got Yoongi's surprise ready for when he got home. It was almost time he got home so now we wait.

Jimin had finished his work as well so now we were just sitting in the living room in silence.

"So Y/n what did you get him?" Jimin broke the peaceful quietness of the room.

"Well I- uhh, I got him a this really nice watch."

"A watch?" Jimin almost laughed at me. "That's such a generic gift idea."

"Shut up! I bought it because his other one broke and this one looks nice." I pout and look the other way. "What would you have gotten him?" I turn back and ask him.

"Hmm I would have gotten him... A dog!" Jimin exclaimed with joy, his eyes going wide.

'What!?" My mouth opens in disbelief. "Why the hell would you get him a dog? Yeah I get that he only works like three days at the office and spends most of his time here but you do know that we'll be the ones looking after it." I chuckle at the thought of having a dog running around the house.

"Hey he's 26 now (Going by Korean age) be glad he has no kids." Jimin scoffed. Well he does have a point. I do find it strange that Yoongi isn't in a relationship or would that just create scandals. Anyway there are lots of people his age that are married and have already started families. Most people from my high school are doing so and I'm just working as a maid and being played with by my own boss. Kinda stupid, huh?

I heard the familiar sound of the garage door opening meaning that Yoongi was home. Jimin and I look at each other and rush to greet him. Jimin gets the cake and I grab Yoongi's gift. Kami just slowly trails behind us.

"Oh you're already here-"

"Happy birthday!!" The three of us call out, Kami was the loudest and made me have to cover my ears. Yoongi looked shocked, probably from the loud shouting. His face softened into a more happy expression. Yoongi smiled hard, showing off him gums.

He looked down at the cake in Jimin's hands and the gift in my hands. I see a faint blush appear on his pale skin and he smiles more.

"H-Here, this is for you." I bow politely as I hand him my gift. He looks at it for a bit then opens it revealing the silver watch with a few diamonds in the center of it and an engraved pattern on  the metal band.


"I know it's a bland gift but I got it for you because your old one broke and I-"

"No that's not what I was going to say. I was going to say that I love it." Yoongi smirked and my now flustered expression. Jimin laughed at you for being awkward as he still held the cake.

Suddenly a small sound came from the garage interrupting Jimin's laughter.

"W-What was that?" My eyes widen when I look at Yoongi's face. He smiled shyly and looked behind him. A small brown dog walked it and sat next to his foot, a small yap coming from the animal.

"Yoongi where did that come from?" Jimin and I shared the same reaction as he spoke.

"My brother got him for me, for my birthday." Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck. "His name is Holly, my brother was also the one who named him." Yoongi smiled like a child as he looked down at the small dog with brown curly fur.

"I told you a dog was a good idea!" Jimin hit my arm while laughing.

"Yah! shut up."

"It's soooo cute!" Kami pushes past me and tackles Holly. The poor dog doesn't even know where it is and now this random person is basically attacking him.

"Kami he's scared." I pull the tiny puppy from her arms and cuddle it close to me.

"We don't have dog food." I sighed to myself as I walked to the kitchen, Holly was still in my arms as I stoked him calmly.

"Actually I picked some up on my way home from my parents place." I hear Yoongi drop his keys on the bench and Jimin placed the small cake beside it. "I'm guessing you like him, huh?"

Yoongi stared with a soft gaze. If I'm correct, I would think he loves this dog.

"I've always been a dog person." I replied putting Holly down and getting a small bowl of water for him to drink from. I brush my uniform off and stand straight after placing the bowl down. I noticed that Jimin had left the kitchen and Kami was absent as well, so it was just us two in the room.

"Thank you for the watch. I'm glad you got me something." Yoongi looked at me lovingly from the opposite side of the bench.

"I was just being polite. Plus you needed a new one." I turn around to wash my hands, slowly I feel Yoongi's hand slide down my waist and his head rested on my shoulder.

"Well I hope you know that I love it more because you got it for me, I just happened to have my eye on it the day I got your bracelet. Don't you think they match well." Yoongi whispers holding my wrist and caressing the silver bracelet he had bought me.

"Mhmm." I just hummed and enjoy the strange peace I felt.

"Alrighty then, now for the cake." Yoongi laughed lightly while walking back to the bench.

I roll my eyes and join him calling in Jimin and kami as well so we could celebrate together.

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