Chapter 15

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A strange warmth covered me. A weird feeling of comfort drifted over my body.

'Wait it was still morning. Why am I still asleep?'

I open my eyes slowly and see Yoongi looking right at me, a mischievous look on his face.

'What the hell? What am I doing.'

I try jumping out of the bed but Yoongi has a tight grip on my waist.

"Finally awake? Took you long enough." A playful smile tugged onto his lips.

"Please tell me you didn't do anything while I was sleeping."

"Would you have wanted me to do something? Or do you want to be awake for that." The smile disappeared and was replaced with a smirk, like usual.

"You're still going to tease me about being a virgin? Or are you just that desperate." I answer the same way he did just to be annoying, but thankfully it worked in shutting him up. Yet that just made him think even harder about the subject.

"Not unless you want it baby. You were real close to losing it yesterday." Yoongi traced my neck with his finger, his expression showed he was plotting something as his eyes followed his finger down my neck.

"Don't you dare give me another hickey or I swear to god." I look at him with a stern expression.

"Come on, it's fun seeing you all embarrassed and blushing. Anyway, I thought you were enjoying our little time yesterday, what do you think would have happened if the other two didn't arrive, hm?" This question made me freeze, I almost forced myself not to think about it. I was so caught up in my mind that I didn't realise him crawl on top of me, leaning into my face and lightly kissing my nose snapping me back to reality.

"G-Get the fuck off me before I slap you." I stutter, my mind switching between getting mad and flustered or wanting this teasing to continue.

"You better watch your mouth baby. Or I'll make sure you can't talk."

"What do you mean?" I raise my eyebrow not fully understanding his statement.

"You know what I'm talking about." By then I definitely knew what he meant, but I felt like being a brat right now.

"No I don't. Are you going to break my jaw?" I fake a confused and innocent look and stare into his eyes, almost getting lost in his endless dark gaze. Yoongi's hand comes to my face and lightly grips my cheeks and holding my face so I couldn't turn my gaze from his.

"What I mean is, it's hard to talk with your mouth full." He finished the sentence slowly making sure I caught every word. Yoongi was always so flirty, he knew exactly what to say to have someone completely lose it and unfortunately, that is exactly what had just happened to me.

I didn't think he would actually say it. Well, I shouldn't have underestimated him.

"What? Got nothing to say." Yoongi pouts, he was still sitting on top of me and his face was leaning close to mind. His bare chest almost touching me and his eyes going from staring into my eyes to looking down at my lips.

"Damn it Y/n, can you stop being so damn sexy all the time." His lips meet mine again. Our lips synced with each other slowly,colliding with one another repeatedly.

But like always, there was a small knock at the door made Yoongi stop what he was doing. A heavy sigh escaped his lips and he got off of me and headed towards his bathroom.

I get up and go to the door opening it.

"Y/n are you alright? You've been in here for a while. I didn't interrupt anything-" Jimin looked into the room with a worried expression.

"Jimin! No everything is fine I was just discussing the company plans and schedule to our master. But he just kept making stupid requests that couldn't happen. Anyway, I'm so sorry it took so long." I lightly bow but Jimin grabbed my shoulder, causing me to look up at him seeing a cute smile on his face.

"It's fine I was just worried. Where is young master anyway?"

"He's in the bathroom getting ready." I gently brush past him and walk downstairs.

"I already heated up the food, so you don't have to worry." Jimin kindly stated joining my side while walking.

"What's Kami been up to?" I roll my eyes just thinking of her.

"She's done nothing I've told her to. She just sat there and stayed on her phone the whole time." Jimin quietly exclaimed throwing his arms around. I feel bad for him, having to do all of that work while the little brat did nothing.

"Oh my god took you long enough?" I could hear Kami's whines from the kitchen echo through the main entrance.

"Shut it princess." I hear Jimin mutter harshly under his breath.

I tell them what to do as we wait for Yoongi to come to the dining room. Kami and I stand at the opposite end of the table and Jimin stands at the end where Yoongi usually sits. It wasn't one of those obnoxiously long tables that stretch for ten metres. It was a small table you would usually see in a normal apartment so it didn't make the room look crowded.

Yoongi comes down from his room, dressed in casual clothes. A stylish black hoodie and an expensive pair of black jeans.

"Master can I ask what you're wearing." I wear a confused expression as he take a seat in front of Jimin.

"I told you. I'm taking the day off. I don't always wear suits." He flashed me a small smile.

"But you have meetings to go to and business trips to plan for the company."

"Don't worry, I'll get you to call my personal assistant at work. Tell him I won't be showing up, he'll understand.

"Yeah Y/n just let him stay~" Kami adds in her high pitched voice.

"Alright master I'll call them soon."

'Little slutty brat'

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