Chapter 10

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"Y/n who is it?"

Yoongi asks walking behind me slightly gripping my waist. Yoongi had gotten dressed into a white buttoned shirt and dress pants. I freeze for a bit but move over a bit so he can see the man on the other side of the door. I quickly pull his hands off me and back away further from the door now standing to the side.

"Hello Yoongi, it's been a while has it not?" The old man spoke kindly but had a deep voice much like Yoongi's. The two didn't look exactly alike but had similar features that made it obvious that Yoongi was the other man's son.

"What bring you here, father?" Yoongi quickly glances at me for a spit second before returning his attention towards his father.

"I just came to talk about how everything is going. Talk about the company but mainly just to check up on you." He smiled widely. Yoongi moved to let him in and closed the front door. I follow behind the two, taking his fathers coat and placing it at the entrance.

"Y/n make some tea and meet us back in the living room." I nod at Yoongi's requests and hurry to the kitchen. I clean the mess that was left over from breakfast and begin making tea. There is no doubt that Yoongi is acting differently with his father present, probably trying to be professional.

Just by looking at Yoongi I knew he was a bit uneasy about the whole visit, not because of the company because that's fine. Now that I think about it I don't remember him talking much of his father other than business related topics, Jin didn't mention him either.

I head to the living room with a tray of tea. Yoongi and his father were sitting across from each other, a small coffee table separating the chairs.

I quietly place the teacups on the table and walk around to stand behind Yoongi.

"Where's your butler? Jin was his name, right." His father looked up at Yoongi who was drinking his tea but stopped quickly.

"He had to leave." Yoongi looked down and spoke in a lower voice than usual.

"Really? I have to say that's pretty upsetting, he was good at his job." Mr Min sighed taking a small sip from his drink. Yoongi reached his hand back and gestured for me to step forward and I did as he wished.

"It is a sad but I have Y/n here to take care of me." Yoongi smiled widely. I look at the ground to avoid whatever look his father was giving me.

"Yes I see that but you can't just have one worker. What if she quits or has to leave, who is going to help around here. I know you can't look after yourself properly." He leaned closer towards Yoongi in his chair. I hear Yoongi sigh in annoyance so I lift my head to see him rubbing his forehead and roll his eyes.

"I know but Y/n is loyal and won't disobey me." Yoongi smirked looking up at me as if he wanted a response.

"T-That correct sir, I am to obey every order my master gives me." I bow to hide myself cringing at what I had said. 'Why did I say such dumb words. Yoongi's gonna use my own words against me later i know it. I'm screwed now.'

"I guess she is loyal. But still, I will look for more people to work here."

"There is no need for that father, I said I'm fine." Yoongi's expression was slightly angry but more annoyed. His fists clenched as he raised his voice.

"I'm your father and I'll do whatever I want. How am I supposed to trust you being alone with this young lady. Knowing you as the person you are, you're just going to use her as some form of entertainment, am I correct." Mr Min had raised his voice making me flinch at the sudden outburst.

"Y/n please go back to your chores , I have to deal with something." Yoongi's voice was calm as he kept his gaze at his father. I bow and walk away to do more cleaning.

. . . . . .

I didn't see Yoongi for the rest of the day because he had a few meetings to attend at midday. I finished all the chores rather fast so I went up to my room to watch tv. I go through the channels and see that a new K-drama called 'While You Were Sleeping' was on. I lay down and get enveloped into the story.

After two or three episodes I close my eyes in hope to get some well needed rest.

|Yoongi's Pov|

I get home from work after what seems like days but was actually a few hours. A few hours full of idiots trying to get me to raise their pay.

I look around the house trying to find where Y/n was and not finding her. She's probably in her room. Walking up the stairs I see how spotless the place was, Y/n really is doing a good job. I find myself smiling at my own thoughts.

Slowly opening the door to her room I see her asleep, the tv still on. I turn it off and look down at her calm figure. Lightly brushing my hands over her face to get the hair out of the way smiling at her relaxed expression.


I'm your Master {Min Yoongi x reader SMUT}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt