Small Vacation

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I just want to start this chapter off with an apology. This story was not meant to be so long and here we are on chapter 47. I am deeply sorry for the wait and hope you all can forgive me. For those who do, thank you, and for those who don't.....then it is fine. But anyway I will find a way to shorten the story while interesting you all at the same time. So yeah.

ANYWHO! On with the story (:

Levi's POV

It was around 2.30 in the am when I finally had woken up. It was awfully quiet and dark that I wondered how long I been asleep. 

I got up from the bed and walked slowly out of the room. I went downstairs and saw that it was dark here as well but the kitchen light was on.

I walked up to the kitchen and could see a few pots that had been used for cooking.

I didn't bother to try and eat. I wanted to know if Petra was here.

I soon got my answer when I heard one of Lily's cries follow by the hushing, stressed tone from Petra.

As much as I wanted to stomp over there and demand an explanation for what I saw I knew it would only do our relationship even worse.

So I walked over to the couch and even though I could not see I was able to locate where Lily was and took her from Petra. I felt her body shift a bit as her head rested down in the crook of my neck.

I gently shook Petra who was a bit alarmed.

"Hey go into the room so you can sleep here, I will sleep on the couch" I gently told her. I was able to see her big brown eyes gaze up at mine. She sat there for a few more seconds before nodding her head.

"N-no thanks I think we both deserve to sleep on the couch" She yawned sounding fully awaken.

She slowly got up and turned on two lamps which dimly illuminated the small area. She took her place right beside me as I sat on the couch and rub Lily back to sleep.

We both sat there wondering who would go first and risk starting the conversation however they wanted. If Petra tried talking she only end up in tears in a matter of seconds, but even if I did talk something I would say would make her lash out on me. But it was obvious I had to go first because Petra was better at the silence treatment than I was.

"I...I am really sorry for what I said Petra" I blurted out as I buried my face in shame on Lily's tiny frame.

"I should of never said that to you. I should be happy for the people I still have" I sniffed now thinking about how hurtful my words was to her. But Petra just stayed quiet.

Her silence made me even more upset and scared.

"Petra" I murmured. I dragged my arm desperately to receive an answer.

She flinched when my hand wrapped around her wrist. It only made me feel more disappointed.

"Your words did hurt me Levi" She finally spoke. "I will never forgive you about that" She finally busted out crying.

I knew it...

"Do you know how crappy and useless that made me feel?! Or were you not thinking at all and thought I could take it well? You are so full of yourself and only care about what you have been through! There are people around the world who has lived without water and food for weeks and probably months hoping they get their chance and do what they want. There are kids, teens, and adults who are willing to do anything for food and they're young girls out there who are getting raped and becoming young parents! Kids who grown up without parents and lived in foster home, Have you yet to stop and think 'maybe I am not the only one suffering this bad?' or are you just that blinded with your sister's death? I have lived for 18 years growing up without a mom! I get jealous of you because I wish I had a little sister to take care of or two parents who get into funny arguments...But I never got to experience that" She cried out.

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