2~Tell the World

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<Mike's POV>

She kissed me,

She kissed me,


I just wanna scream it out to the whole entire world!!!

It was morning and last night was the night that El had declared her love for me.

I jumped out of my bed and zoomed down the stairs to open the front door of my house and screamed as loud as I could.


...and there came that idiotic grin on my face.

There were only a few neighbors outside..one stopped and looked at me while mowing the lawn, another woman was staring too. But, before I could go back inside....I heard a voice.

"Who kissed you?!"

That was the voice of the one and only....


I turned red and struggled to speak.

"Well, who was it!?" Dustin asked with being impatient.

"Wait! Let me guess! It's El!!" Another voice was making its way onto my front yard.

My other best friend, Lucas.

Well shit, I didn't think they would hear me screaming that.

Dustin and Lucas stood in front of me, waiting until I answered them.

"Dude you're so red....it was El wasn't it?!" Lucas teased me, as usual. Dustin and Lucas like to tease El and I a lot, but Will just respects us and teases only once and a while. I mean, he doesn't know El that much. But, they have become great friends.

Words finally managed to come out of my mouth,

"I-I w-well yes."

Dustin and Lucas patted me on the back and teased me some more with smoochy faces.

"Wait, so she kissed you last night?!" Dustin asked.

"Yes," I became more confident to speak since they both knew now.

"We were on another date and she kissed me. But that's not all, she said that she loves me."

Dustin and Lucas were shook.

"Loves you?!!!" They shouted together.

Love was a strong word. El declaring it to me was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now