25~Lost it all

434 13 25

Oh jeez here it goes I am so nervous writing this chapter but I have prepared myself and I've got my 80's music playing to help me because I am obsessed with 80's music. I might start crying while writing this idk..but sometimes certain things have to happen in order for the story plot to work out.


<Mike's POV>

"Mike! Come check out this new game that the arcade added, you have to play it's ama-"

Dustin stopped speaking when he noticed Seth.

"Who is that?"

Seth went and spoke for me since I was so focused and scared.

"I'm Seth, Mike's favorite cousin."

That damn ass. He's no more than a piece of shit to me.

Dustin smiled and nodded his head. Lucas, Will, and Max came over.

"Well, Seth, this is Will, Lucas, and Max. Oh! And i'm Dustin."

Dustin pointed to everyone and Seth still had a cheeky smirk on his face. Meanwhile I looked as if I had seen something terrible.

"Hey Mike, you okay?"

Max put a hand on my shoulder. The rest of the group was talking. Why me, just why me?

"You don't look well.." Max continued.

I couldn't get a word out of my mouth, and I saw Seth giving me a look and then mouthing "Do it." to me.

I wanted to stall so badly. But I knew that it would only make more guilt rush over me.

Here goes nothing..

"Uhm..y-yeah i'm fine now, since you came into my si-sight." I gave a shot at flirting and faked a smile.

Max blushed and smiled slightly, but she knew that it was wrong to since she was dating Lucas.


The group then noticed Max and I. El and them though didn't seem to know about what I had just said. Thank goodness.

Seth did. Oh, and he laughed like there was no tomorrow.

"What's so funny?" Will asked with a serious look on his face. SInce I told Will about the monster, I think he could see that Seth was fishy.

Seth stopped laughing.

"Oh..just got a thought from back home into my head."

It was awkwardly silent between the group and then Lucas broke it.

"Well then, let's play some games!"

We all split up to play different games. El went to pacman, Dustin and Lucas to Dragon's Lair, Will and Max towards donkey kong, and I went to the new one...Rampage.

Seth of course, followed me.

"Go to Max when she's alone at one of the games, then strike." he whispered into my ear.

"I. Hate. You." I said through gritted teeth.

I continued, "But..i'm doing this to save El's life."

Will left to a different game..which left Max all alone. I then went over to her.

"Need some help on the game?"

Max looked up at me. "No, i'm good."

She went back to playing but then messed up and the game was over.

"You sure about that?"

Max sighed and said, "Fine, but you need to use your own money if you're gonna help me."

I nodded and slipped a coin through the slot. The game started and Max touched the controls. I hesitated. I really didn't want to do this.

I put my hands over hers and hovered over Max, showing her how to win Donkey Kong.

"..and then you move this way." I moved Max's hand on the controller to make the avatar move left.

Max was a bit red, and I was sweating even worse than before. My life was going to end soon and I just knew there was no going back now.

We eventually won and I took my hands off of hers.

"Thank y-you." Max said and we awkwardly stared at eachother. Seth was walking over to El who was looking at us for who knows how long. She looked broken. Jealous. Seth mouthed for me to do more.

This was really breaking me.

I showed the most loving smile I could at Max and tried to flirt more.

"Your eyes...they look so beautiful."

Max was a bit speechless at what I had just said. She seemed to like it though. What we were doing was so so wrong.

"No..your eyes look even better." She replied.

Oh no. It's actually working. I never wanted it to.

Lucas came rushing over.

He was furious.

Before I knew it, a huge jolt of pain entered me and his fist collided with my face. I stumbled back, knowing that this was going to happen.

That's when more people started to surround us, including the rest of the group.

"You trying to steal my girl, Wheeler!? Cause that shit isn't gonna work with me!"

Lucas punched me again. I tried so hard to hold back the tears, not of the pain, but for what i've caused. El was walking up slowly to me.

She looked me in the eyes for a few seconds with her heartbroken expression.

"I thought I loved you."

She then walked past me with tears streaming down her face, leaving the arcade.

That's when I lost it. I let the tears all out. Because I had just lost the most important person in the world to me, and I don't know if i'll ever get her back.

Lucas grabbed Max gently and they both left without a single word.

Dustin looked very disappointed in me.

"Dustin I-"

"Don't even try to explain." He interrupted me and with that, left as well.

Will went up to me. He looked like we was about to cry, even though he wasn't even really involved.

"I thought you were better than this, Mike."

Will. My best friend that was like a brother to me...even after what I told him, he didn't even have a clue this was all the Aracnaphae's fault.

I didn't even say a word back, it was useless.

Will pushed open the glass door of the Arcade and rode his bike away, going after the others.

Seth was the last one to speak to me.

"Nice job..didn't think you had it in ya."

He laughed and then rode off on my old bike.

Leaving me...


Not only did I loose the love of my life..

But my best friends too.

This was my life now.

Just a heartbroken, miserable life.


I just about died inside while writing this.

I can't loose you again.(A Mileven Story) Where stories live. Discover now