28~Depressed and Recovering

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Hey guys this chapter might get deleted by Wattpad so I'm sorry if it does but I've got it backed up I'm gonna see if the problem is fixed by posting this chapter. Again, I'll try my best to post it again if this deletes.❤️

<Mike's POV>

My door opened up which caused me to open my eyes.

"Don't worry, it's only me." Nancy said, walking in with a plate of eggos.


"I brought breakfast." My sister placed the plate in my lap and I just stared down at it.

"Eat up, you need it."

I ignored Nancy and continued to painfully stare at the waffles in front of me.

My sister sighed. "Listen, I can go get you something else to eat if it's really bothering you that much."

I just simply nodded and she left with the plate of eggos.

They reminded me of her way too much. I just couldn't handle it, and I never wanted to eat eggos without El.

Now, I probably would never be able to eat them with her ever again.

I look up to see not Nancy back with food, but stupid life ruiner, Seth.

"How's the loner life going for ya? You're dumb sister hasn't let me talk to you because you're so depres-"

"DO NOT CALL MY SISTER DUMB EVER AGAIN YOU DUMB SHIT." I was furious. My sister has been the only one supporting me and to have that monster call her dumb breaks me.

"Jeez, I didn't mean it...or did I?" Seth snickered. He still stood at the entrance of my room.

Thankfully, Nancy came back.

"Seth, what did I tell you? Mike doesn't want company right now. Please, go back downstairs breakfast is ready."

Seth scoffed and went back downstairs.

Nancy this time was holding a bowl of Cheerios. Much better.

"Here, I made you this since mom wouldn't cook a 'special' meal for you." Nancy handed me the cereal. To be honest, I didn't have an appetite, but I didn't wanna disappoint my sister for all she's done.

"Thanks." I said with no emotion.

Nancy sat on the end of my bed, watching me take a small bite out of my cereal. "I'll make sure Seth doesn't do that again. Just to be safe, I would lock your door."

I nodded and then spoke. "C-can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything." She smiled.

"What i'm about to tell you is super secret, and you cannot tell anyone...and you can't do anything to fix it I have to myself." I said while taking another bite of my food.

"Okay, I promise."

I thought Nancy should know about the whole entire problem with Seth. She has the right to know.

So, I told my sister everything. The Aracnaphae and his threats, the orders, how Seth is the monster, and how I was forced to flirt with Max.

"..and that's the story. But, it was all to protect Eleven." I finished the story and by that time I was finished with my cereal.

Nancy didn't know what to say. After a few silent minutes of her processing everything, she spoke. "Wow...Mike I'm so sorry for all that's happened to you. I'm gonna keep this a secret and do everything I can to support you through this."

My sister really was great. The best.

"Thank you Nancy, you're the best sister any brother could ask for."

My older sister smiled and hugged me tight.

"And you're the best brother any sister could ask for."

We hugged for a couple minutes. Soon it was interrupted by a voice.

"I must be seeing things or is this real? The two siblings who fight the most in this world...hugging?"

My mother. I haven't spoken to her in awhile.

Nancy and I stopped hugging and I smiled, replying to my mother. "Yeah, we um just had a really good bro and sis moment."

"Listen Michael, I know that you were bullied a lot yesterday and got beaten up, and I know it's been hard for you." My mom put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. I froze.

Shit, Seth probably got to my mom before Nancy did.

"Uhm, yeah." I lied.

Nancy and I gave each other a look. Then my mother continued to speak.

"But..you need to come out of your room eventually. You haven't come out in three days...and your friends haven't come to check on you at all, which is weird."

It was true. I haven't stepped a foot out of my room for three days. I was back to being really depressed, just like when I thought I lost El a couple years ago.

"Mom, you don't understand. Mike is really depressed, and he will come out when he's ready." Nancy went in for me and tried to reason with my mom.

My mother then spoke right after Nancy while smiling, "I know..but I have news! Tomorrow night we are throwing a dinner party because more of our family will be in town..and it would be great if Mike could be there to meet them all!"

Oh great...a party.

I hate parties. Especially when it's my family because I am not social when it comes to them.

"Oh," My mom continued. "Your friends and their families will be there too! I also invited Hopper and your girlfriend. So, at least you'll have company!"

A chill went down my spine and that's when I became completely emotionless.


Nancy looked at me with a worried face and thought the same thing I was thinking.

Well, this was gonna be a painful, interesting party.


The dinner party idea was suggested to me from one of my readers and I thought it was a great idea so I'm using it. ❤️❤️❤️

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